Archive for July 2016
Review: Arabian Nights - Nomes Youth Theatre
Review author - Elaine Burns
This year’s summer show by the Nomes Youth Theatre was based on the stories told by Sheherazade to keep herself alive. Every age group was involved from 4 year olds to 18 years. Impressively all the scenes were devised by the Nomes in rehearsal.
The set was simple; several rostrum plus arches painted in vibrant colours. A lamp and jars at the side of the stage and a magic carpet. The costumes were harem pants and black T-shirts.
For the introduction everyone was involved, were well-drilled and mostly easily heard. The juniors performed the Ali Baba scene and their ‘Bad Boys’ routine was delightful.
During Aladdin the minis had their Magic Carpet scene, assisted by three of the Young Company. Each of these 4/5 year olds had a line and enchanted the audience with their energy and innocence. I did enjoy the use of physical theatre as Nomes formed the cave entrance.
Act 2 opened behind the gauze with the full cast minus the minis who were too young to be on stage any further. The staging was very effective as the Seniors acted out the story of The Little Beggar. This was well-executed, very funny as each person in turn thinks they have killed the beggar, and all were heard clearly.
The adventures of Sinbad the Sailor were performed by the Juniors and Seniors and their extra confidence and experience showed, beginning with some excellent solo singing. They then told the stories of the Whale. the Giant at the Gate and the Cannibals.
This was a thoroughly enjoyable show and it was a joy to see how the Nomes are well on their way to learning about and acquiring stagecraft.
Nomes Youth Theatre Classes
Registers are now open for a September start!
All of our classes have an emphasis on confidence building, teamwork and developing theatre arts skills in an inclusive environment.