NODA South-East Councillor, Kay Rowan, reviews the recent production of A Christmas Carol by The Nomads at The Nomad Theatre in Surrey (find us).

A Christmas Carol – a step back in time to the Dickensian era. An true evening of nostalgia tinged with memories of Christmas’s past. This adaptation by Graham Botterill espoused all the nuances of the original novella but benefitted greatly from the technical advances in stage direction. The script was thoughtful and enhanced the action of the play.

The pleasure of espying this delightful theatre is only heightened by the splendid theatre vestibule and surroundings. All the front of house staff were dressed in period costume which further developed the “mood” ready for the performance.

The whole area of the stage was used at some point utilising the revolve to good effect. Very effective use was made of projection and video and the fly tower came into its own throughout. There was a minimum of props and furniture but quite enough to create the right effect on each and every scene. I particularly like the opening scene with Bob Cratchit’s desk down stage left with Scrooge’s alcove and the fire just to the left on the apron. The sound and lighting effects were very good throughout creating just the right amount of dismal glow without having to strain to see what was going on.

All the costumes, hair and makeup were particularly appropriate in all scenes. Mr Fezziwig’ hair was a joy to behold.
The use of songs by the ensemble served to raise the atmosphere of Christmas and family entertainment rather than promote music and singing for its own sake. All the music was well chosen
and executed. The solos were delightfully clear. The use of recorded music was very judicious with the right level, length and style inserted into the play at appropriate moments.

The adaptation of this Dickens novella was excellent. Graham is to be congratulated on his insight both of the original story, the ability to stage all the different scenes and guiding this fine cast to such a high standard of performance. The cast were a real team - this was exemplified by all the parts they undertook. – 20 actors for 60 parts! A truly outstanding production on all levels.

Congratulations to everyone involved for bringing this gesture to Christmas to the stage of The Nomad Theatre and for giving the audiences so much pleasure.

Kay Rowan - NODA South-East Councillor

The Nomads are members of NODA, which has a membership of 2500 amateur theatre groups and 3000 individual enthusiasts throughout the UK, staging musicals, operas, plays, concerts and pantomimes in a wide variety of performing venues, ranging from the country’s leading professional theatres to tiny village halls.

The Nomads will be presenting Gym & Tonic by John Godber in March 2019, co-directed by Andrew Hamel-Cooke and Moyra Brookes.

  • Performance dates: 5-9 March 2019 
  • Rehearsal days: TBC

Don and Shirley Weston have come to the Scardale Hall Health Hydro to relax, pamper themselves and just possibly rescue their ailing marriage. Don’s experiences with exercise and therapy are far from positive and the rifts in the marriage widen as his mid-life crisis becomes more and more evident, and moments of reconciliation do little to improve the situation!

Characters (inc playing ages)

  • Don Weston - M, 39/40 - unfit (can be padded for weight!)
  • Shirley Weston - F, 37 - Don’s wife, overweight and unfit (can be padded for weight!)
  • Gertrude Tate - F, 60-70 - a worldly, refined woman 
  • Ken Blake - M, 42 - very fit
  • Zoe - F, 25-40 - fitness instructor, step classes etc
  • Chloe - F, 25-40 - attractive masseuse (physical part)
  • Maggie Weston - F, 65 - Don’s mother (small part, one scene unwell)
  • Sam Weston - M, 13 - Don’t son (small scene played by older actor but as a younger version)
  • Shaun - M, 21 - unhappy / uncomfortable student, quite fit
  • Bellboy - M, 20 - small part
  • NB Sam / Shaun / Bellboy could be played by 1 or 2 actors

Directed by Brandon McGuire

Performances 27 July at 7.30 and 28 July at 2.30

Tickets: £13

Book online or call 01483 284747

The Nomads annual week-long project for people with a range of physical and/or learning disabilities. A special play is commissioned each year with a unique part to suit every individual wanting to participate. Not to be missed!

The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society Murder Mystery

By David McGillivray and Walter Zerlin Jnr

Directed by Elaine Burns

Tuesday 11th to Saturday 15th June at 7:45 in the studio

Tickets: adults £12, children/students £10

Every drama group has experienced the horrors of what can go wrong on opening night, and the ladies of F.A.H.E.T.G. Dramatic Society are no different, with the possible exception that almost everything that could happen, does! The scenery collapses, cues are missed, lines are forgotten and the sound effects take on a strange note at times, as the ladies present their ambitious evening’s entertainment with the cunning whodunnit, “Murder At Checkmate Manor”.

Gym & Tonic

By John Godber

Directed by Andrew Hamel-Cooke and Moyra Brookes

5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th March at 7:30

Tickets: adults £14, students £10 (adults £12 on Tuesday 5th)

Don and Shirley Weston have come to the Scardale Hall Health Hydro to relax, pamper themselves and just possible rescue their ailing marriage. Don’s experiences with exercise and therapy are far from positive and the rifts in the marriage widen as his mid-life crisis becomes more and more evident, and moments of reconciliation do little to improve the situation!

BOOK NOW - call box office 01483 284747 or

The cast:

The Nomads will be presenting Funny Money in April 2019, directed by Jeff Wightwick.

  • Performance dates: 9-13 April 2019
  • Rehearsal days: TBC

Good friends Betty and Vic arrive for Henry’s birthday dinner and Jean is frantic because Henry is late. When he eventually arrives, he wants to emigrate immediately, and with good reason: the briefcase he accidentally picked up on the Underground is stuffed with £735,000 - not his sandwiches! Hilarious innuendo and cruelly funny turns of fate ensue as the two couples assume various identities in their battle to keep the money.

Auditions will be held on Monday 14th and Wednesday 16th January at 7:30pm, to get involved please contact: Jeff Wightwick, 01483 280085 / [email protected]


  • Jean Perkins - a pretty but ordinary woman in her forties
  • Henry Perkins - an insignificant man in his early fifties
  • Bill - a middle-aged London taxi driver of spirit
  • Davenport - (police officer) a sparse, middle-aged man with a knowing glint in his eye
  • Slater - (police officer) a solicitous and kindly soul, until provoked
  • Betty Johnson - a buxom and cheerful woman in her late forties
  • Vic Johnson - a brash man with feet of clay
  • Passer-by - a large man

Audition pieces can be viewed…

Audition pieces


By John Godber & Jane Thornton.

Directed by Hayley Clines.

Wednesday 23rd to Saturday 26th January at 7.45pm in the Studio.

Bouncers is set in and around Flamingo Joe’s - a nightclub, with the action focusing on the exploits of the four doormen and their customers. The play creates a vivid picture of the relentless antics of nightlife with its raw energy, flashing disco lights and raucous lads and lasses out on the town. The quartet of actors switch with pin-sharp precision from charismatic doormen to giggling girls to lads on the lash and back again.

Four decades after John Godber’s Bouncers was first staged at the Fringe it remains one of the most popular and performed comedies.

Tickets: adults £12, students £10

Box office: 01483 284747 - or Book Online

The cast:
Guy Shirley - Judd
Chris Butler - Eric
Dan Shepherd - Ralph
Ian Creese - Les