This show based on some of our most loved books has been devised by the children and young people at Nomes. Many pieces of the drama you will see today have been written by the Nomes themselves.

  • Friday 5 and Saturday 6 July at 7:00 pm
  • Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July at 2:00 pm

Tickets: adults £10, children/students £7


The Nomads will be presenting Round And Round The Garden by Alan Ayckbourn in October 2019, directed by Danny Sparkes.

  • Performance dates: 8-12 October 2019
  • Rehearsal days: TBC
Auditions will be held in the Bob King Room at 7.30pm on:
  • Sunday 30th June
  • Tuesday 2nd July

If you are interested, please contact Danny - she says:

“I am looking forward to this new venture with a new society. I hope to have a read through/cast evening before July, give out scripts and start rehearsals mid-August I would hope to hold 2 rehearsals a week, with the option to increase as we get towards production dates. I thought Sunday evening plus another evening, to suit cast.”

Danny Sparkes (Director) - [email protected] /07855 120387 /01932 343183

This play is the third of the “Norman Trilogy”. The ‘Norman Conquests’ occur during a single weekend in different parts of the same house and concern a group of related people. Each play is complete in itself. A common factor is Norman’s inadequate attempts to involve himself in turn with his sister-in-law, his brother-in-law’s wife and his own wife!

There are three couples in the play - Annie and Tom, Norman and Ruth, Reg and Sarah

  • Tom - is a thoughtful, pensive man; a ‘stolid’ veterinary surgeon, happier with animals than humans, but probably in love with Annie
  • Annie -‘spinster of this parish’ and carer of her mother; probably in love with Tom
  • Norman - Annie’s brother in law; likes to think he is “Jack the Lad”; (The ‘Norman’ of the Trilogy). “I only want to make you happy!!”
  • Reg - Annie’s (and Ruth’s) brother; a trifle pedantic (especially about mileage!)
  • Sarah —wife of Reg
  • Ruth - Annie’s sister; long-suffering wife of Norman

The action takes place in the garden of Annie and her mother’s home, over Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Mother is never seen!