Farndale …Christmas Carol by David McGillivray and Walter Zerlin Jr

The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society’s Production of A Christmas Carol

by David McGillivray and Walter Zerlin Jr, Directed by Danny Sparkes

Tuesday 11th to Saturday 15th June at 7.30 pm

Tickets: Adults £15, Children/Students £12

In a festive mood the ladies of The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society mount another assault on the classics with their version of A Christmas Carol! This time they stick close to the story and know which side of the set the audience is on, but almost everything else goes wrong.

This amateur production of “Farndale Avenue….Christmas Carol” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd on Behalf of Samuel French Ltd. www.concordtheatricals.co.uk



Audition Notice: Stepping Out by Richard Harris, Directed by Nikky Kirkup

Audition Dates: May 2nd and May 8th at 8pm at Nomad Theatre

Scheduled Performance Dates: Tues 17 to Sat 21 Sept at 7.30pm

If you are interested please contact Moyra on [email protected] or just turn up. If you are interested but cannot make the dates please contact us so we can arrange to see you.

Stepping Out is a warm and funny play about the lives of a group of wannabe tappers. The action takes place at a weekly tap class where we meet 8 mismatched characters all trying to put their best foot (or feet) forward. For all of them, this is their chance to get away from the normal hum drum of life. Friendships are formed, conflicts take place and their tap dancing improves week to week. So much so that by the end there is a grand charity show performance where the class have been transformed into a triumphant group of tappers.

Characters: 1 Male/9 Female- The show depends upon great character building. Ages are a guide only and it will depend upon the mix of people we have and how they look in relation to each other. Basic tap dance ability preferred but not essential.

Mavis: Dance Teacher and ex pro. Considerate, organised and in charge of the group. Misses the spotlight. Needs to be a proficient tap dancer Age : 35-50 ish

Lynne: A Student Nurse. Always eager to please. Thoughtful and Kind. Helps Dorothy with steps and encourages her. Age: 20-25 ish

Dorothy: Anxious, nervous type. No confidence in her own ability. Unmarried. Habit of repeating other people’s last words. An ungainly dancer. Age: 35-50 ish

Maxine: Confident, attractive, business woman- wears big jewels. Owns high end clothing store and kits the group out with dance gear. Insensitive. Often offends without realising it. Age 35-50 ish

Andy: Slim build, timid, bullied by her husband and wears clothing to cover up the fact. No co-ordination. Has a couple of angry outbursts in class which takes the others off guard. Defensive about her personal life. Age: 35-50 ish

Geoffrey: Shy widower, quiet, a little awkward, non confrontational. Shabby briefcase carrier and suit wearer, very keen on Andy. Age: 35-50 ish

Sylvia: Bubbly, flirty, curvy, likes to chew gum. Poor, her husband is an odd job man. She isn’t a great dancer, but she doesn’t care. Age: 35-50 ish

Rose: larger than life, lots of big jewelry, loud (vocally and in dress). Is friendly with Sylvia. Age: 35-50 ish

Vera: Well meaning snob, very proper, expensive taste in clothes, but can come over as mutton dressed as lamb. Immaculate hair and make up. Aspiring middle class. Loves to clean so always popping in and out of the toilets to ensure they are pristine. Married a dominant man. Age: 35-50 ish

Mrs Fraser: The pianist, sarcastic, grumpy, hat and coat wearer. Thinks she is doing everyone a favour by being there. Was around when Mavis was growing up in a broken home so is protective of her. Loves a magazine. Age: 50+

This amateur production of “Stepping Out” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. www.concordtheatricals.co.uk