A Slice of Saturday Night swings into EAST HORSLEY where the hems are high and the fringes low, it‘s Saturday night at the Club-A-Go-Go and the blokes & birds are on the pull.
The songs are a nostalgic pastiche of sounds from the sixties and the story tells a tale of teenage dreams and young love, set around 1964. Step back in time to the ”Swinging 60‘s• as a group of wide-eyed young men and girls discover everything there is to know about love, life and music. A timeless tale for anyone who‘s ever been a ”teenager in love•.
After breaking all records at the Arts Theatre in London‘s West End, A SLICE OF SATURDAY NIGHT went on to complete four major national tours of Britain, returning to the West End for a second run at the Strand Theatre.
If you want to print your own copy of the handbill, the image is here: front and the information on the back is here: back