adam coburn surrey showcase guildford

Multi talented and joining The Studio lineup…

Adam Coburn

Adam is a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist originally hailing from Oxfordshire, but now living in Guildford.

Influences range from folk, Rhythm and Blues, Rock, Hip hop, abstract experimental electronica and classical roots. (You’ll also spot him in Guildford Jazz Choir on the Main Stage!)

Finding bands has always a struggle and so he decided to go it alone and experiment with looping. This lead to the current project: covering and re-imagining tracks that make his head swim, with a little bit of Ukulele thrown in to break things up.

You’ll find a mix of styles in Adam’s set, as he aims to provide something for everyone.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media feeds for announcements of new artists… and of course, apply if you wish to take part.

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