Sunday July 8th at 5pm & Monday 9th July at 7.30pm

The production (Dates October 16 -21) will consist of 3 episodes of Fawlty Towers.
The following are the the characters which will be central to the play.

Basil Fawlty. Age 40-50
Sybil Fawlty. : 35-50
Manuel :: 30-50
Polly. : 25-35
The Major. : 55 plus.
Miss Gatsby. :
Miss Tibbs. :
Terry the cook. : 25-45

For Basil the Rat.
Mr Taylor. Age. 40 plus
Mrs Taylor : :
Mr Carnigie. : :
Ronald. : 25 plus
Quintina. : :

For Communication Problems.
Mrs Richards. Age 55 plus.

For The Psychaitrist.
Dr Abbot. Age 50 plus
Mrs Abbot. :
Mr Johnson. : 25-35 .
Mrs Johnson(Amie Delmaine) 20s
Girlfriend. 20s.

There will be a number of ‘Extras’ required.

Audition pieces will be available at the Nomad Theatre from:
Monday 2nd July 7-30 pm to 9-30pm
The theatre will also be open on:
Tuesday 3rd July at 7-30 pm to 9-30 pm
Wednesday 4th July at 7-30 to 9-30 pm
Friday 6th July at 7-30 pm to 9-30 pm
Saturday 7th July 10am to 12 noon.

Please phone me on 01903 786247 if you wish to discus anything. I look forward to seeing you all.
John Norris (Director)

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