Mid Surrey Theatre Company’s next big production

at The Epsom Playhouse

21st to 24th November 201



a Musical based on the music of Madness - a show for all the family


Director Anthony Kemp

Musical Director James Marr


Opening meeting Sunday 8th July 3 - 6pm upstairs at Leatherhead Methodist Church (LMC)


Auditions Sunday 15th July 3- 6pm St Lawrence Church Hall, Browns Lane, Effingham

Tue 17th July 8-10pm upstairs at Leatherhead Methodist Churchf (LMC)



This show does require lots of young and enthusiastic actors and dancers. However there are also some lovely cameo roles.



The whereabout of the Leatherhead Methodist hall can be a little bit of a mystery and the parking requires a bit of explanation so do furbish anyone keen with my email details or telephone number 01483 285866 so that I can assist.

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