Posts by Annabelle Lawrence
A double-bill: Two Sisters & Dead Man Quotes
A double-bill: 27-31 July 2021 at 8pm
Tickets: adults £12, students £10.
Two Sisters by Caroline Harding
Directed by Moyra Brookes
Sisters Anya and Sonia are goaded into remembering things they’d rather forget, upon discovering an empty coffin in Anya’s lodgings. Twenty-five years before, they both fell in love with the same man. The coffin prompts Anya to tell how, before he died, she tried to protect Sonia from discovering the truth about André…
This production of Two Sisters is an amateur production by arrangement with Stagescripts Ltd.
Dead Man Quotes by Daniel Shepherd
Directed by Daniel Shepherd
Daniel saw this play write itself in a pile of old takeaway menus and unpaid bills. How would you describe a person’s life, a stranger’s, when all you saw of them was their preference for fast food and the cost of heating? Dead Man Quotes is a dark comedy, exploring who we are and what we leave behind; whether it’s razz mags, menus or broken gnomes.
Book online now - BOX OFFICE - or call 01483 284747.
Princess Ida - in association with BLOS
Covid-19: Nomad Theatre postponement of our Spring/Summer Programme
We are sorry to announce that as a result of the guidelines issued by the Government on 16th March we have decided to postpone our March, April, May and June shows and other social activities at the Theatre.
We are looking at rescheduling these shows and we will keep in touch to keep you up to date with news of our activities.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at future Theatre events
The Nomad Council
In association with Bookham Light Operatic Society
Princess Ida by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan
Directed by Jackie Shearer, Musical Director Roger Wilman, Choreographer Gill Eve
Wednesday 20th to Saturday 23rd May at 7:30, matinee on Saturday 23rd at 2:30
Tickets: adults £16, children/students £12.
Princess Ida founds a women’s university and teaches that women are superior to men and should rule in their stead. The discovery of a disguised prince at the university to whom she had been married in infancy results in a war between the sexes.
Book online now - BOX OFFICE - or call 01483 284747.
Honeymoon Suite
Covid-19: Nomad Theatre postponement of our Spring/Summer Programme
We are sorry to announce that as a result of the guidelines issued by the Government on 16th March we have decided to postpone our March, April, May and June shows and other social activities at the Theatre.
We are looking at rescheduling these shows and we will keep in touch to keep you up to date with news of our activities.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at future Theatre events
The Nomad Council
Honeymoon Suite by Tony Layton
Directed by Peter Cornish
Tuesday 21st to Saturday 25th April at 7:30
Tickets: adults £14, children/students £10.
Three couples occupy the honeymoon suite of a country hotel. Couple 1: A middle-aged rocker and his devoted PA. Couple 2: A northern lass and a barrow boy from Essex. Couple 3: A suave middle-aged \Romeo’ and an astute, attractive middle-aged woman. Francis, the porter, observes nothing surprises him. The same can’t be said of his guests as they each find out something surprising about their partner.
Book online now - BOX OFFICE - or call 01483 284747.
This production is by arrangement with Stagescripts Ltd
Cheshire Cats
Public Health Update
Covid-19: Nomad Theatre production of Cheshire Cats
Unfortunately, as a result of the fast-moving situation with Covid-19 we have had to take the decision to postpone our production of Cheshire Cats this week. The cast and crew have all worked very hard on this production and we would hope to try and bring this amazing show to you later in the year. Everyone who has bought a ticket will be contacted by the box office shortly.
We will keep you up to date with regards to future productions. Looking forward to seeing you at future Theatre events
The Nomad Council
The Nomads in The Studio
Cheshire Cats by Gail Young
Directed by Marion Millinger
Tuesday 17th to Saturday 21st March at 7:45
Tickets: adults £12, children/students £10.
Grown women, aching feet and heaving bosoms! Follow the team as they speedwalk their way to fundraising success in the London Moonwalk. A cross between a girls night out and a real mission to support a cause close to many hearts, with plenty of laughs and a few tears along the way .
Book online now - BOX OFFICE - or call 01483 284747.
Our 2020 shows
By Agatha Christie
Directed by Murray Stephen
Tuesday 18 to Saturday 22 February at 7.30pm
Tickets: adults £14, children/students £10
A game of romantic follow the leader explodes into murder one weekend at The Hollow. Dr Cristow, a Harley Street lothario, is at the centre of the trouble when assembled in one place, are his wife Gerda, his mistress Henrietta and his former lover, Veronica. Also visiting are Edward and Midge. When Cristow is shot dead, nearly everyone has a motive.
By Gail Young
Directed by Marion Millinger
Tuesday 17 to Saturday 21 March at 7.45pm
Tickets: adults £12, children/students £10, Grown women, aching feet and heaving bosoms! Follow the Cheshire Cats team as they speedwalk their way to fundraising success in the London Moonwalk. Cheshire Cats is a cross between a girls night out and a real mission to support a cause close to many hearts, with plenty of laughs and a few tears along the way
By Tony Layton
Directed by Peter Cornish
Tuesday 21 to Saturday 25 April at 7.30pm
Tickets: adults £14, children/students £10,
Three couples occupy the honeymoon suite of a country hotel. Couple 1: Jeff a middle-aged rocker and his devoted and quick-witted PA. Couple 2: Gaynor a northern lass and Sam a barrow boy from Essex. Couple 3: Enrico, a suave middle-aged romeo and Paula an astute, attractive middle-aged woman. Francis, the porter has seen it all before, nothing surprises him. The same can’t be said of his guests as they each find out something surprising about their partner.
By W.S Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan
Directed by Jackie Shearer, Musical Director Roger Wilman, Choreographer Gill Eve Wednesday 20 to Saturday 23 May at 7.30pm
Matinee on Saturday 23 at 2.30pm
Tickets: adults £16, children/students £12
Princess Ida founds a women’s university and teaches that women are superior to men and should rule in their stead. The discovery of a disguised prince at the university to whom she had been married in infancy results in a war between the sexes
By Barry Syder
Directed by Moyra Brookes
Tuesday 16 to Saturday 20 June at 7.45pm, Tickets: adults £12, children/students £10
It’s generally believed Shakespeare cared little for his wife which was endorsed by his strange bequest to her, of his second-best bed. This delightful piece makes one reconsider.
By Caroline Harding
Directed by TBC
Tuesday 16 to Saturday 20 June at 7.45pm
Tickets: adults £12, children/students £10
Set in a village in 1880’s Russia, Anya and Sonia are goaded into remembering things they’d rather forget from their early life, upon discovering an empty coffin in Anya’s lodgings. Twenty-five years before, they both fell in love with the same man. The coffin acts as a catalyst to Anya as she tells how, before he died, she tried to protect Sonia from discovering the truth about André……..
Presented by The Nomes
Friday 3 and Saturday 4 July at 7pm
Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 July at 2pm
Tickets: adults £10, children/students £7
Directed by Brandon McGuire
Saturday 1 August and Sunday 2 August at 2.30pm and Saturday 1 August at 7.30 Tickets: £13
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Andrew Hamel-Cooke
Tuesday 22 to Saturday 26 September at 7.30pm
Tickets: adults £14, children/students £12
Lucentio loves Bianca but cannot court her until her shrewish older sister Katherina marries. The eccentric Petruccio marries the reluctant Katherina and uses a number of tactics to render her an obedient wife. Lucentio then marries Bianca and, in a contest at the end, Katherina proves to be the most obedient wife.
By Leo Baker
Directed by TBC
Tuesday 20 to Saturday 24 October at 7.30pm
Tickets: adults £14, children/students £12,
It is June 4th, 1940. Celie lives with her parents on the Kent coast. In the night they have heard the sound of guns.. Celie’s father went out the previous night on a mysterious errand and hasn’t returned. Celie’s husband Jim is with the army in France; she has dreamed that the postman calls with a telegram from the War Office……..
By Dennis Potter
Directed by Jackie Shearer
Tuesday 20 to Saturday 24 October at 7.30pm
Tickets: adults £14, children/students £12
This deceptively simple tale relates the activities of seven English children played by adults on a summer afternoon during World War II.
Directed by Elaine Burns
Tuesday 10 to Saturday 14 November at 7.45pm
Tickets: adults £12, students/children £10
By Lewis Carroll
Adapted and Directed by Graham Botterill
Tuesday 15 to Saturday 19 December at 7.30pm, matinee Saturday 19 at 2.30pm
Tickets: adults £16, children/students £10
This is a new adaptation of this wonderful children’s tale by the Noda Award-winning team.
Club Night - 29th May
Welcome Back to The Nomads!
To celebrate the fact that we can head back to the theatre after such a long time we are planning a “Re-opening Club Night”. This Club Night will be a little different to normal; it will all take place in the auditorium and as the bar will not be open there will be complimentary drinks served. We are using this special night to try out all our Covid procedures which will be in place when we have our first show 22-26 June, and we need your help to try these, as well as having a great night.
As a result of Government guidelines and social distancing rules, Club Night will be a FREE, but ticketed event - no walk-ins, so please book your tickets now: BOOK NOW
If you have any problems booking tickets or the number of seats you need are not available please call the box office on 01483 284747.
We look forward to seeing you on the 29th of May!
If you have any queries, please email [email protected] or message us on Facebook.
The Hollow
The Hollow by Agatha Christie
Directed by Murray Stephen
Tuesday 18th to Saturday 22nd February at 7:30
Tickets: adults £14, children/students £10.
A game of romantic follow the leader explodes into murder one weekend at The Hollow. Dr Cristow, a Harley Street lothario, is at the centre of the trouble when assembled in one place, are his wife Gerda, his mistress Henrietta and his former lover, Veronica. Also visiting are Edward and Midge. When Cristow is shot dead, nearly everyone has a motive.
Book online now - BOX OFFICE - or call 01483 284747.
The cast
- Henrietta Angkatell: Moyra Brookes
- Sir Henry Angkatell, K.C.B : Graham Botterill
- Lady Lucy Angkatell: Judy Kelly
- Midge Harvey: Helen Teasdale
- Gudeon: Phil Wilcox
- Edward Angkatell: Dan Shepherd
- Doris: Ellie Sayer
- John Cristow, M.D, F.R.C.P : Michael Ayres
- Veronica Craye: Suzanne Doherty
- Inspector Colquhoun, C.I.D : Jason Spiller
- Detective Sergeant Penny: Stuart Everington
The Hollow was published in 1946 as a book featuring Hercule Poirot. When it was turned into a play in 1951 the part of Poirot was omitted as Agatha Christie felt that Poirot ruined the book! The detectives’ names were also changed for the play. It was turned into a TV movie in 2004 starring David Suchet as Poirot. This adaptation differed from the play in several ways including the denouement at the end.
It was originally premiered at the Arts Theatre Cambridge on 10/2/51. Following a tour, it transferred to The Fortune Theatre London on 7/6/51 and finally transferred to The Ambassadors Theatre London on 8/10/51 where it ran for 11 months (376 performances). The reviewer from The Times described it as “Ingenious entertainment”
Auditions - Honeymoon Suite
The Nomads will be presenting Honeymoon Suite on the main stage by Tony Layton, directed by Peter Cornish.
- Performance dates: 21-25 April 2020
- Rehearsal days: TBC
- Wednesday 27 November
- Wednesday 4 December
If you are interested and would like more information or to let us know if you plan to audition, please
contact Jackie Shearer on 07712 651 891 or [email protected]
Honeymoon Suite is three plays within a play. Three different couples occupy the honeymoon suite of a country hotel and the three plays follow the fortunes of each pair during their stay. The link between the action is Francis, the genial Irish porter who passes through all three plays - he has seen it all before.
Cast and roles are as follows:
Something Old, Something New
- Jet - a middle-aged rocker
- Pat - 35, smart, quick-witted, PA to Jet and (very recently) his wife
Something Borrowed
- Gaynor - 30’s, a northern lass
- Sam - 40’s, a natural comedian, a barrow boy from Southend
Something Blue
- Paula - astute, an attractive middle-aged woman
- Enrico - suave, a middle-aged ‘Romeo’
In all three plays ….
- Porter - Irish, a wise old ‘fool’
We’re hiring: Assistant Tutor for Nomes Youth Theatre
The Nomad Theatre Group is looking for a self-employed Assistant Tutor to work with our youth group, Nomes Youth Theatre. We are very keen to hear from talented, creative, inspirational, dynamic people who would like to work collaboratively with the wider group to inspire children and young people in performing arts through storytelling, drama, dance, musical theatre/singing and creative play.
Role: Assistant Tutor for Nomes Youth Theatre
Type: Freelance contractor – Saturday working (5 hours per week, 30 weeks per year) with additional hours during productions
Salary: £negotiable
Location: The Nomad Theatre, East Horsley, Leatherhead, Surrey KT24 6RT
Closing date: 15th November 2019
Find out more or apply directly to the Chairman, Andrew Hamel-Cooke on [email protected]
Nomes Youth Theatre is a fun and exciting youth theatre group based at The Nomad Theatre in East Horsley, Surrey. The group provides classes for children and young people aged 4-18, as well as producing shows through the year and a summer workshop week. Classes are run on Saturday’s during term time for ages 4-15 (10:30-3pm), with the potential to reinstate a Young Company group one evening per week (Years 9+).
- 1 hr “Minis” (c.15) Reception to year 2
- 1.5 hrs “Juniors” (c.25-30) Years 3-6
- 1.5 hrs “Seniors” (c.25-30) Years 7+
In this role, you will work with another Tutor to prepare and lead classes, particularly singing devising term plans in advance as well as creating timetables and class lists. Supported by the Nomads Council via the Artistic Director, including the opportunity to bring in Directors, Producers, Chaperones, Technical, Marketing & Publicity and Front of House teams, you will help to produce one main show per year, along with other smaller shows which will be open to parents and the general public to attend. Working closely with the Nomads Council, including the Membership Secretary, Data Protection Officer and Safeguarding Officer, you will ensure that records are secure and up to date.
To apply, you’ll have experience teaching performing arts to children and young people, be self-motivated and a natural communicator, have a passion for the arts and the ability to carry out administration tasks surrounding the classes and have Enhanced DBS and have keyboard skills. Ideally, you’ll be first aid trained and have your own transport (free parking).
The Nomad Theatre is equipped to professional standards, is a not-for-profit, working theatre with a committed and hard-working group of volunteers providing shows through the year for the local communities including Shakespeare, pantomime, music, drama and comedy. See our main website for more information.
Find out more or apply directly to the Chairman, Andrew Hamel-Cooke on [email protected]
Some of our previous Nomes shows…
- Bookworm Breaks Out!
- Summer Show-in-a-week 2018
- Charlotte’s Web
- How To Kill Your Teacher (Nomes Youth Theatre) - March 2017
- Arabian Nights (Nomes Youth Theatre) - June 2016
- Five Children & It (Nomes Youth Theatre) - July 2015
- Exams (Nomes Youth Theatre) - March 2015
- James & The Giant Peach (Nomes Youth Theatre) - July 2014
- Musical Mayhem (Nomes Youth Theatre) - June 2017
Auditions - Cheshire Cats
- (2 pages) AEROBICS INSTRUCTOR - may be played by the person playing ANDREW in the version of the play for 6 characters.
- (4 pages) ETHEL - elderly cockney marshall, can double up with the person playing SIOBHAN or HILARY in the version of the play for 6 characters
Please contact Andrew Hamel-Cooke for any queries and to let us know when you plan to audition: [email protected]
The Nomads will be presenting Cheshire Cats by Gail Young, directed by Marion Millinger.
- Performance dates: 17-21 March 2020
- Rehearsal days: Thursday, Sunday, Monday evenings
Please contact Andrew Hamel-Cooke for any queries and to let us know when you plan to audition: [email protected]
Published in July 2011, this play follows the girl’s emotional journey as they aim to speedwalk their way to fund raising success in the London Moonwalk while also enjoying a girly weekend away in the capital. Trainers and wildly decorated bras are in, high heels and designer labels out - but a last-minute substitute to the team doesn’t meet the physical criteria!
Cast and roles are as follows:
- HILARY - bombastic, middle-aged team leader/organizer.
- SIOBHAN - caring and diplomatic. An old friend of Hilary.
- YVONNE - overworked/overweight stressed-out mum and friend of Hilary.
- MAGGIE - overweight younger mum.
- VICKY - artistic, fit, glamorous middle-aged divorcee.
- ANDREW - trim toyboy.
- AEROBICS INSTRUCTOR - may be played by the person playing ANDREW in the version of the play for 6 characters.
- HANDSOME DRUNK - may be played by the person playing ANDREW in the version of the play for 6 characters.
- MADGE - elderly cockney marshall, can double up with the person playing SIOBHAN or HILARY in the version of the play for 6 characters.
- ETHEL - elderly cockney marshall, can double up with the person playing SIOBHAN or HILARY in the version of the play for 6 characters
Additional characters for the ensemble version of the play:
- POLICEMAN can double with HANDSOME DRUNK if required.
- RON, elderly cockney marshall, married to Madge.
- MARSHALLS, between 2 and 5 needed.
- PHOTOGRAPHERS, at least 2 needed, preferably male.
Auditions - The Hollow
The Nomads will be presenting The Hollow by Agatha Christie in February 2020, directed by Murray Stephen.
- Performance dates: 18-22 February 2020
- Rehearsal days: TBC
- Wednesday 11 September
- Monday 16 September
- Tuesday 24 September
Please contact Moyra Brookes for any queries and to let us know when you plan to audition: [email protected]
This is a classic Agatha Christie and has proved very successful on the stage, on TV and film.
We need 6 males and 6 females, here is some information about the characters and the play:
The action takes place in the garden room of The Hollow, Sir Henry Angkatell’s country house about 18 miles from London, over the course of one weekend in September. Time “The Present”. (Play was written 1951)
- Henrietta Angkatell (Lead): Female, 28-45 - Successful sculptress, strong, intellectual, independent. Cousin to Sir Henry
- John Cristow (Lead): Male, 30-55 - Famous physician, arrogant, a womanizer; married to Gerda but having affairs with both Henrietta and Veronica; the murder victim.
- Gerda Cristow (Lead): Female, 28-50 - Wife to John Cristow. Compulsively self-effacing, not very bright and constantly apologising for it.
- Lucy, Lady Angkatell (Lead): Female, 50-75 - Charming, dizzy, forgetful, eccentric, aristocratic but loves a bit of gossip or scandal. Wife to Sir Henry
- Veronica Craye (Supporting): Female, 30-45 - Glamorous Hollywood movie star, former lover of John Cristow; renting a house near the Hollow.
- Edward Angkatell (Supporting): Male, 25-45 - Another cousin of Sir Henry; shy and awkward, wealthy, in love with Henrietta.
- Detective Colquhoun (Lead): Male, 35-65 - A gentlemanly detective, charming, sympathetic, not easily fooled.
- Detective Penny (Supporting): Male, 25-35 - Inspector Colquhoun’s assistant, charming, enjoys taking statements from pretty housemaids.
- Sir Henry Angkatell (Supporting): Male, 50-75 - Owner of The Hollow; a typical country gentleman, the sane one in an eccentric family, likes guns.
- Gudgeon (Supporting): Male, 40-70 - The perfect butler, very protective of the family.
- Midge Harvey (Lead): Female, 20-35 - Poor cousin of the Angkatells. Gentle, attractive, independent-minded despite being very much the poor relation; in love with Edward who loves Henrietta.
- Doris (supporting): Female, 16-25 - Trainee maid at The Hollow; working-class, is finding the work, and country house life in general, hard to adjust to.
Tori Hammond
Tori Hammond
Tori has been performing since she was a child, doing everything from musicals to funk and soul, to prog rock!
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media feeds for announcements of new artists…
Buy Tickets HERE: I want to go to Surrey Showcase!
Back to the main page here: Tell me more!
Barney Packer
Barney Packer
After recording a handful of songs on his iPhone 5s, English multi-instrumentalist Barney Packer is now releasing them across three EPs; with all songs self-written, recorded, and performed.
The tracks have made people’s ears prick up, resulting in Barney being interviewed across regional and BBC radio stations, performing live sessions with his band for YouTube sessions, securing impressive press coverage in a number of publications and picking up radio play across the UK!
At this year’s Surrey Showcase he will be performing originals and covers.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media feeds for announcements of new artists…
Buy Tickets HERE: I want to go to Surrey Showcase!
Back to the main page here: Tell me more!
Carol Harvey
Carol Harvey
Singing mainly ballads and powerful songs by amazing ladies such as Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James and Barbra Streisand, Carol is a soloist and confidence coach.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media feeds for announcements of new artists…
Buy Tickets HERE: I want to go to Surrey Showcase!
Back to the main page here: Tell me more!
Peter Smith
Peter Smith
Singer-Songwriter and long-time Woking resident, Peter has frequented open mic nights in the Woking and Guildford area for many years performing with his own catchy heartfelt and melancholic songs. He is looking forward to playing at his first Surrey Showcase and seeing everything it has to offer.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media feeds for announcements of new artists…
Buy Tickets HERE: I want to go to Surrey Showcase!
Back to the main page here: Tell me more!
Malcolm Packer
Malcolm Packer
Malcolm Packer is a singer-songwriter from Guildford and Surrey Showcase this is only his second outing as a solo artist. For over six years he is the frontman in a popular local covers band, The Serial Thrillers and now one half of the duo Two Trees Down. Malcolm will be performing a selection of his own original songs and some familiar covers. You can listen to his original music on Soundcloud
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media feeds for announcements of new artists…
Buy Tickets HERE: I want to go to Surrey Showcase!
Back to the main page here: Tell me more!
Johnny P
Johnny P
Johnny started to learn/dabble with the guitar in early teenage school years and was soon performing at local pubs in his first full amateur rock/pop band around 1972 - playing original material. Various other bands have followed over many many years - on and off, with Johnny playing and singing with an electric or acoustic guitar. Styles ranged from heavy rock, power pop, punk, new wave, pub rock and country blues
Although recently acquiring and learning some electric mandolin, 5 string banjo and ukulele, his preference still remains the trusty acoustic guitar, and with an absolute continued passion for all Country Folk Rock and Blues tunes with harmony vocals
Johnny is now one half of a brand new - Acoustic/Electro Duo - called “WIRES & WOOD” playing that style of music – and currently seeking gigs. Since the other half of “Wires and Wood” is unavailable for this event, he is excited to be performing a selection of some favourite songs for the very first time - flying solo!
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media feeds for announcements of new artists… and of course, apply if you wish to take part.
Buy Tickets HERE: I want to go to Surrey Showcase!
Back to the main page here: Tell me more!
Two Trees Down
Two Trees Down
Two Trees Down is a brand-new duo making their public debut at Surrey Showcase. They are seasoned semi-professional musicians, Malcolm Packer and Alex Lawrence, taking contemporary and classic rock, pop and blues covers and playing them as a duo should, by adding their own twist. They will also be performing some of their own original songs as they move forward. Guildford based, the pair have played in high profile bands – sometimes together - for many years in pubs, clubs and festivals across the South East and in London. Both self-taught musician’s, Alex has perfected his lead guitar skills over 18 years and Malcolm is an accomplished rhythm guitarist with very occasional lead guitar duties… “but only on the easy ones” he says with a smile.
Two singers, two guitarist and two songwriters; Two Trees Down will become a must-see gig on the Surrey live circuit so don’t miss them at Surrey Showcase. You saw them here first.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media feeds for announcements of new artists… and of course, apply if you wish to take part.
Buy Tickets HERE: I want to go to Surrey Showcase!
Back to the main page here: Tell me more!
Adam Warner
Adam Warner
Adam Warner is a singer-songwriter from Farnham, Surrey. He has been playing the guitar since his early 20s and will be performing an acoustic set today. Adam’s passion is singing, but his other love is his Personal Training business, where he helps people to achieve their fitness goals. Adam’s musical influences are eclectic – he loves classic rock and metal, particularly the work of Metallica, Black Sabbath, The Doors, Motley Crüe, Guns N’ Roses and Tenacious D, but more recently enjoys listening to Shawn James, Matt Andersen and Oasis. Adam’s original songs are from the heart and you can hear that in his lyrics. Adam began taking singing lessons earlier this year with A Touch of Musicality and has really enjoyed learning new skills and discovering different vocal techniques. His vocal lessons have also inspired him to take up piano lessons, which Adam will be starting in September. Adam will be performing two original songs today, as well as a cover of Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds recent hit, ‘Dead in the Water’. Adam will also be performing ‘All of Me’ by John Legend with his singing teacher, Phoebe.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media feeds for announcements of new artists… and of course, apply if you wish to take part.
Buy Tickets HERE: I want to go to Surrey Showcase!
Back to the main page here: Tell me more!
Adina Smallwood
Adina Smallwood
Adina is a versatile singer, who can offer a varied set to entertain all age groups. With warm mellow tones to her voice suitable for jazz and the power and energy for pop, blues and rock’n’roll, this lady has something for everyone.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media feeds for announcements of new artists… and of course, apply if you wish to take part.
Buy Tickets HERE: I want to go to Surrey Showcase!
Back to the main page here: Tell me more!