Greenroom Constitution & Photos of the Government Inspector

by admin on Mar.16, 2009, under Theatre

Notification of Greenroom EGM

Owing to changes in the licensing law and also in the way the theatre is now run, a revision of the old constitution of the Greenroom Club has become necessary. A draft constitution has been prepared by the committee. In order to ratify this, an Extraordinary General Meeting is being held on Tuesday, 31st March at 8pm in the bar.

Copies of the proposed new constitution are available in the foyer or, alternatively, it may be examined on the theatre website.

Please try and support this meeting. It would be helpful if you could contact me to let me know if you are coming; we need a quorum (20 people) to pass the amendments. The bar will, of course, be open after the meeting — so do stay for a drink and enjoy a sociable Members’ Evening!

You can view the constitution here, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it which most computer should have:

New Greenroom Constitutions

The Government Inspector

The end of a great show this week. The following are a couple of photos from the show

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