My Fair Lady by Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Lowe

by admin on Apr.01, 2009, under Shows, Theatre

It is hard to believe My Fair Lady was first performed in 1956, the film was made in 1964! Anyone who loves musicals will have seen one or the other perhaps both. So why come to the Nomad Theatre from 22nd to 25th April at 7.30 pm and see it again – because it is a wonderful show. Enjoy again the lyrical “On the street where you live”, the prim “Ascot Gavotte”, the scurrilous “With a little bit of luck” and the lovely “I could have danced all night”.

Meet Professor Henry Higgins an appalling misogynist, rude, selfish and domineering “Why can’t a woman be more like a man?” Meet Eliza Doolittle the feisty flower girl who takes up Higgins’ offer to teach her how to speak like a duchess “Wouldn’t it be luverly?” And of course, Alfred P Doolittle, the bone idle, self proclaimed member of the undeserving poor.

It will be 15 years since Bookham Light Operatic Society (BLOS) staged My Fair Lady for the first time back in 1994. BLOS like many societies do not have a home of their own and perform in a variety of different venues, such as The Adrian Mann Theatre, The Leatherhead Theatre, and most frequently at Fetcham Village Hall, which has seen many of their Gilbert and Sullivan performances.

This April, however, will be the beginning of a new and exciting venture for BLOS and the Nomad Theatre. In the past BLOS have taken a previously staged show and performed it for one or two evenings at the Nomad Theatre. But this time BLOS will be performing My Fair Lady exclusively at the Nomad Theatre in collaboration with the Nomads.

Members of the Nomads will be joining the BLOS cast and backstage crew for the first time. BLOS members are looking forward to enjoying facilities not normally experienced in the past. A raked auditorium, a licensed bar, proper dressing rooms and the level of technical equipment that most sound and lighting people can only dream about.

The show is directed Margaret Parfitt, whose recent credits include Gilbert and Sullivan’s Mikado and The Gondoliers. The musical director is James Marr, on loan from Mid Surrey Theatre Company.

BLOS and the Nomad Theatre look forward to welcoming you to this very special production. Tickets are 12.00 for adults, 10.00 for children 12 yrs and under. Evening performances start at 7.30 and there is also a matinee at 2.30 on Saturday 25th. Call the box office on 01483 284747 on Saturdays from 10.00 till 12.30pm. Leave a message on the answerphone at other times, or even book online here.

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