
Nomads Theatre Tour

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008 | Theatre | No Comments

I managed to collar Julian into giving a quick theatre tour, it was very last minute and sorry about the quality. I also apologise for the state of the theatre its not usually this messy but everything is a bit manic because there are two shows going on at the same time and one show had just finished so there was a lot of costumes and bits of set all over the place and people were rushing around tidying up. Enjoy!

Click to Watch!

Also if no one saw the previous blog, unfortunately one of the kids has had to pull out of Annie so were now looking for a boy aged 12 - 14 to play Dillon.

We are also still looking for a Drake (English butler non singing haughty older actor) and a Rooster (singing dancing loud role) anyone know any candidates please let us know.

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First Annie video diary entry

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008 | Interviews, Shows, Theatre | 2 Comments

Well here it is the very first video diary. Most of it was filmed last weekend so in this podcast:

  • We take a look in at the first Annie rehearsal and find out how we managed to loose one of our cast before we had started!
  • I do an interview with Julian Pindar who has been acting at the Nomads since he was 8 and is now a professional actor heading to the West End in January next year. He talks about how he got into acting from Nomes and some tips he learn’t along the way.

Sorry about the sound and video quality we’ll get it right! Anyone wishing to audition for Molly or work on the Annie crew in our production of Annie please contact us.

Click to Watch!

 First Annie Video: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (192)

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Annie Box Office Opens!

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008 | Shows, Theatre | No Comments

The Box Office is now OPEN! You can now book tickets by ringing:

01483 284747

This show is going to be truly fantastic, I personnally think this is the strongest singing casts the Nomads has ever had. I just can’t wait!

Unfortunatly one of the kids has had to pull out so were now looking for a boy aged 12 - 14 to play Dillon.
We are also still looking for a Drake (english butler non singing haughty older actor) and a Rooster (singing dancing loud role) anyone know any candidates please let us know.

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