What's On?
Booking Information
Young Nomads


The Nomads Box Office phone number is 01483 284747. 

Please use this number to book tickets for all Nomads productions.

The Box Office at the Theatre will be open on Saturday mornings between 10am and 12:30pm on the dates shown below for bookings and collection of tickets. Payment may be made either in cash or by cheque.

 Production Performance Dates

Ticket Price

 Member / Non Member

 Box Office Open Date

Nine 14 & 15 June

18 & 29 June

20, 21 and 22 June

£8.00 / £8.25

£7.00 / £7.25

£8.00 / £8.25

25 May

1, 8, 15 June

Non-members can attend performances only by becoming members of the Nomad Playgoers and Greenroom Club.  Annual membership fee is 25p (year ends 31 May).  Applicants must have joined at least 48 hours before the performance and must provide their names and addresses.  


The Nomad Theatre, Bishopsmead Parade, East Horsley, Leatherhead, Surrey KT24 6RT            General Enquiries: 01483 284717        Box Office: 01483 284747