The Nomads will be presenting Love Me Slender by Vanessa Brooks in July 2018.

A perceptive and comedic look at modern issue… Siobhan, the ‘Achiever of the Year’ inspires her hopeful new recruits in the Slim For Life dieting club.

  • Performance dates: 10-14 July 2018 at 7:30pm
  • Rehearsal days: TBC to suit

Audition dates:

  • Tuesday 27 March 7.45pm
  • Thursday 29 March 7.45pm
  • Wednesday 4 April 7.45pm

Auditions will be held in the Bob King room at The Nomad Theatre, Bishopsmead Parade, East Horsley, Leatherhead, Surrey KT24 6RT (click here)

If you are interested in auditioning and/or would like further information, please email us to let us know on [email protected] or call Moyra on 07771 757625.


Playing ages aren’t too important, with the exception of Kelly - neither are “sizes” as we can costume to suit requirements!

  • Siobhan - 30/40’s, Group Leader. Target Weight: Maintained it for 2 years “…and so will you”. She is slim and attractive. Totally absorbed by the programme and is dictatorial and controlling. She also has a darker side.
  • Claudette - 40’s, Hotel bar Manager. Mancunian. Target weight: A Turquoise mini skirt and for her daughter not to be ashamed of her. She is overweight.
  • Lucinda - 30’s, Marketing Manager. Target weight: £40K a year and an executive chair. She is aiming for size 10 and is only 10 pounds over. Desperate for promotion.
  • Rosie - Church worker. Lives with an ailing mother. Target weight: A slim third finger and that one small world. Rosie is slightly overweight.
  • Celia -60’s Retired housewife. Target weight: Room in the waist band for an extra post bridge scone and room in her husband’s life for her. She is fun and mad. Wants to lose weight so she can go on walking holiday with husband and a friend.
  • Jean - 40/50’s Part time wife, mother and chronic over worker. Target weight: “the confidence to make an independent decision. I think.” Jean is slim has lost 4 stone!
  • Kelly - 20’s unemployed. Target weight: Transparency. She is slim.

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