Our speaker in October was Colin Skeaping who brought his dog Sandy, who appeared in the Nomad’s production of Annie in January this year. Sandy was the star of our luncheon.
Colin explained that he had trained bearded collies since 1970 for work in film, television and theatre. He was invited by the Waltham Playhouse to train one of his dogs for their production of Annie and Finn performed in thirty-five productions of the show and Tully in seventeen. Finn was meant to be in Annie but died so Tully and Sandy performed in the show. Sandy was so hyperactive that he was taken off the show as neither of our ‘Annies’ could cope with him, so Tully completed the performances. Since Finn’s passing Sandy has calmed down and has been in Annie several times. Finn had worked for years with Colin and Tully benefited from working with Finn. Colin illustrated how Sandy followed his hand signals as it would not be possible to speak on stage. Sandy’s eyes never left Colin’s face and performed each task perfectly, even playing dead when Colin performed his hand into a gun and fired it at him. In the second part of Colin’s talk, he told how he started as a stunt man in 1967 as a stand-in for actors and actresses (wearing wigs of course), when he and fellow stuntmen and occasionally women took great risks, which would not be allowed today. Colin worked in Disney and the early Bond films In 1976 Colin was signed up for a “small film”, Star Wars, and he was body double for Luke Skywalker. Thirteen years ago Colin joined Midsomer Murders and. every time someone is to be killed, Colin is asked how to do it. His work involves motorcycle and car crashes and he has doubled for Joanna Lumley and Joan Simms. Our members asked many questions and of course, Sandy was very much admired.
Our speaker in November will be Leonard Beighton. Leonard is closely involved in Churches Together. Since his retirement he has travelled the world, involved in many international organisations, particularly with the local Church involvement in Uganda and Kosovo. Any member unable to attend the luncheon please contact me by Sunday, 15th November (01483-283507).
Our annual Christmas Luncheon is on Wednesday, 16th December
Mary Brooks.