Right, get yourselves poolside at London’s loveliest Lido for a very special screening of Sexy Beast, the film which gave us an almost comically psychotic Ben Kingsley, a menacing big boss Lovejoy and Ray Winstone as a cuddly, lovable Piz Buin addict, doing his best to get out the road of the both of them, and hold on to his ex-con, ex-pat life by the pool in Spain.
Sexy Beast zips and cracks along, chock full of four letter swearwords spouted properly (pwoperly) , with some lovely violence, a good deal of humour and a cast clearly having a ball; especially Kingsley - a ball of spitting fury - and James Fox as a bigshot crim, first time back in that mode since Performance? First-time director Jonathan Glazer keeps things quick and punchy, betraying his past in Guinness commercials and U.N.K.L.E promos. The last third of the film gives us a good old-fashioned heist sequence, rounding off nicely what is a brilliantly enjoyable, swaggering piece of crime caper nonsense with plenty of dark laughs – perfect viewing by the side of Brockwell Lido as the sun sets over the horizon…
Hey, if you’re around on 22 July we’ll be inviting you to dive into The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou at Brockwell Lido and furthermore, if you and your nippers fancy dipping your toes in the waters of Finding Nemo on 10 September, we’ll see you there. With each of our watery screenings, we’ll have bar and snacks on site, but please do bring a blanket or a fleece tracky to slip into after sunset.