October 16 -20
This production of Fawlty Towers will feature 3 episodes from one of the most celebrated and funny T.V. Sit-Coms of all time. They are:-
Basil the Rat.
The confusion and chaos that ensues when a food inspector makes a surprise inspection, leads to Basil‘s discovery that Manuel keeps a pet rat also named Basil which promptly escapes, leading to a rat hunt in which the Major gets out his shotgun.
Need I say more!
Communication Problems.
The arrival of an awkward guest who is also deaf, presents a number of problems for the staff when she alleges that she has had money stolen. Her conversation with Manuel is a classic piece of comedy which is timeless. At the same time Basil is desperately trying to conceal from Sybil that he has won money on a horse and involves the Major in his deception. Not the brightest idea!
The Psychiatrist.
There are three different problems facing Basil in this episode. A randy male guest is staying in the hotel and Basil is determined that he will remain alone in his room and uses all his detective skills (which are not great) to ensure this. This involves the use of a ladder, hiding in a broom cupboard, and other cunning ploys! A very attractive lady also books in, which makes Sybil very suspicious of Basil‘s interest in her and events seem confirm this! When Basil discovers that a psychiatrist is staying with them it has a very strange effect on him and he becomes extra sensitive to innocent remarks particularly when it appears to concern his sex life! The above mix makes this one of the funniest of all the episodes.
Bringing to the stage a T.V. show can face one with a number of problems. To create Fawlty Towers Hotel on stage involves a set where the action takes place in the reception, the dining room, the kitchen, 4 bedrooms and a broom closet! The Nomads are very much up to the task, and hope you will enjoy the result.
Please do come and see us - watch Basil fall off his ladder and see our wonderful mobile rat.