Production dates: January 24th - February 3rd. Evenings at 7.30pm, matinees Saturdays & Sundays at 2.30pm. No evening performances on Sundays or Monday 28th Jan.
FIDDLER ON THE ROOF has captured the hearts of people all over the world with its humor, warmth and honesty. The universal theme of tradition cuts across barriers of race, class, nationality and religion, leaving audiences crying tears of laughter, joy and sadness. In the little village of Anatevka, Tevye, a poor milkman is trying to keep his family‘s traditions in place. Yet, times are changing. And when Tevye‘s daughters want to make their own matches, he must choose between his own daughters‘ happiness and those beloved traditions that keep the outside world at bay. Yet it is Tevye‘s love of his family, pride and faith that help him face the dangerous forces in Anatevka which threaten to destroy the very life he and his fellow villagers are trying to preserve.
The musical is set in 1905 and is based on the story Tevye and his Daughters by Sholem Aleicham. It opened on Broadway in 1964 and for a decade was its longest running show. The film starring Topol, was made in 1971.
FIDDLER ON THE ROOF is filled with a rousing, heartwarming score, including Tradition, Matchmaker, Matchmaker, If I Were A Rich Man and Sunrise, Sunset. No other musical has so magically woven music, dance, poignancy and laughter into such an electrifying and unforgettable experience. Relive the tradition!