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The Freewheelers Theatre Company brings disabled and non-disabled actors and supporters, production teams and the local
community together. We use theatre and dance, wheelchair and voice box technology, multimedia, animations, puppets and shadows to create innovative work. We like to work collaboratively, surprise people and challenge perceptions.

We don’t like barriers, rules or conventions. We welcome new members! www.freewheelerstheatre.co.uk Contact Viv Colvill 01932 860950 01932 860950

The Freewheelers Theatre Company is a Community Interest Company limited by guarantee, registered in England No 5994867. Reg.Office: P O Box 339 Cobham KT11 9BD

Have you met a non-disabled person who made you feel like you were from a separate world? Have you felt awkward about how to behave when meeting a disabled person?

We want your stories…
The Freewheelers are exploring the meeting point between two worlds that shouldn’t be separate - between disabled people and non-disabled people. And we are researching people’s stories of moments when they were treated by others as being different or separate. Or moments where they suddenly felt awkward, separate or apart.

Please send us your story… It could be in text, video, audio or another creative format. Please also let us know if you are happy for us to feature your story on our web site www.freewheelerstheatre.co.uk We are happy to make them “anonymous” so your name isn’t published. You can upload files at http://www. freewheelerstheatre.co.uk/projects/feedback-form or email [email protected]

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 30th, 2010 at 1:23 pm and is filed under Play in a Week News, Videos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.