Rope by Patrick Hamilton Directed by Laurence Armitage
18th - 21st August at 8pm - Tickets £9
Brandon wants excitement and little cares how he gets it. He persuades his weak-minded friend, Charles, to assist him in the murder of a fellow undergraduate. The two place the body in a wooden chest and, to add spice to their handiwork, invite a few acquaintances, including the dead man‘s father, round to a party; the chest with its gruesome contents serving as a supper table. The horror and tension are worked up gradually; thunder growls outside, the guests leave, and we see the reactions of the two murderers, watched closely by the suspecting Rupert Cadell.
The cast comprises: Brandon - Stuart Tompkins
Charles - Nathan Farrell, Mrs Wilson - Annabelle Farrell, Ken - Matt Kalorkoti, Leila - Faye Doherty, Sir Johnstone - Colin Clyde, Mrs Debenham - Liz Cross, Rupert - Steve Rowland