
 In Rehearsal...    Latest News...

Hollywood comes to Horsley in an explosive production of Popcorn, Ben Elton's award-winning comedy thriller. Join Tinseltown's Tarantino-style director Bruce Delamitri as he is paid an unexpected visit from the notorious Mall Murderers. Will they ruin his chances with the glamourous model Brooke Daniels? Will there be blood on the shockingly expensive carpets? Expect a fast-paced, sexy, action-packed evening's entertainment.

PLEASE NOTE : Contains scenes of a sexual nature, strong language and violence.

29th July - 3rd August
@ 8pm

Box Office 01483 284747

  Nomads set to take Popcorn to Edinburgh:

The Popcorn team, under the direction of Brandon McGuire,  are off to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe for a week of performances at the Bedlam Theatre - in the late evening slot!
Monday 12th
to Saturday 17th August 2002

Check it out at www.edfringe.com

   Coming Soon...

Canterbury Tales

Martin Starkie & Neville Coghill
Young Nomads musical production

27th - 31st August 2002


Gin Game
D L Coburn
Studio production

24th - 28th September 2002

Nomad Theatre, Bishopsmead Parade, East Horsley, Surrey KT24 6RT • Box Office (automated)  01483 284747