Nomad News: June 2002
Stories in this Issue:
Five Fun Ways to Raise Funds for Edinburgh
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Play in a Week
Nomad Open Day Cancelled
Membership Cards
Around The House
Last Chance for Club Night
Prompt Corners
An Evening of Celebration Bill Pearson Award
Theatre Cleaning Rota
Another show gets under way: Popcorn
Two fun ways of raising the funds to take POPCORN to Edinburgh
Stage fighting Workshops
Nomad Draw won by John Tweedale
Five Fun Ways to Raise Funds for Edinburgh |
Saturday 20th July: 2-5pm - Open Gardens Party Several members' gardens in East and West Horsley will be open to Nomads and friends for the afternoon.
Tickets £10 Price covers entrance to all the gardens and includes refreshments.
Contact - for tickets, details and maps - Helena Johnston on 01483 282309
Also get in touch with Helena asap if you would like your garden to be included.
*** Offers from cake-makers gratefully received! ***
Saturday 29th June at 8pm - Quiz Night Hosted by Steve Nankervis
A guaranteed nightful of laughts (minimum 2 per hour)
Top prizes (minimum 4, value not to exceed £9.99)
Fun (equivalent to 1 episode of Terry and June or 25 seconds of Have I Got News For You)
Good Food (fish 'n' chip supper - minimum number of chips 15 per portion)
Tickets £8.50 BOOK YOUR TICKETS (teams of 6 if possible) by calling Antonia de Roche 01306 730293
Saturday 13th July - Popcorn The cast & crew of POPCORN do something energetic for money. See more news for details.
Sunday 21st July all day - Car Boot Sale Once again we will be up early and wending our way to the car boot sale on the A3.
Why not take advantage of this and have a clear-out of your loft?
Please leave any items for sale in the rehearsal room. The theatre will be open on Thursday 18th July in the evening and Saturday 20th July in the morning. Please leave things tidily on to one side so that the room can still be used.
During POPCORN Look out for the EDINBURGH RAFFLE - with TOP PRIZES. Tickets will be on sale every night and the raffle will be drawn on the last night of POPCORN - 3rd August.
If you wish to donate a prize please ring Antonia on 01306 730293 |
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes |
Holmes and Watson's most dangerous adventure EVER!
Why is Mrs Hudson's frying pan full of stones?
Who are the shifty trio of sausagemakers?
When will the bomb go off?
Find out in this fast-moving comedy for all the family.
TOO MANY LATE BOOKINGS SPOIL THE BOX OFFICE! from Beloved Old Proverbs Rehashed |
One of the most rewarding activities we have devloped in the new theatre has been our Play In A Week, which we devise and stage in collaboration with four organisations for people with disabilities. This year we will be working during the day from Monday 2nd to Saturday 7th September, and the play will be performed on the last night. There will be a planning meeting for everyone on Friday 2nd August, from 10.30am.
We would particularly welcome young people to work on stage or backstage, full or part time. If you would like an absorbing and gratifying week please call Bill Pearson on 01306 730582. |
Sadly, the Nomad Open Day has had to be cancelled. Sorry about that. |
Elizabeth Cross is away on well-earned holiday, and will be back soon. So membership cards will be issued when she has settled in again. |
In the Technical Control Room there are two large notices stating: 'No Smoking - No Eating - No Drinking', yet every time I go into the control room after a show with which I have no direct involvement, I find evidence of someone having been drinking. Recently there were even part full cans of Coke beside the lighting desk.
No drinking does not mean no alcohol - it means what it says - for a very good reason. Any drink spilt inside the lighting desk could not only mean an expensive repair or even replacement but we would almost certainly lose the lighting for a performance concerned, if not the rest of the show.
Somebody once said - "... but we're insured." We may be, but not against someone deliberately ignoring obvious instructions and certainly not against the loss of revenue we would suffer by having to give back the ticket money for cancelled performances.
Take Note Someone recently opened a roof window in a dressing room and left without closing it. It then rained heavily and the result is a ruined carpet. If you are in the building please be aware that things like this can happen if you are careless.
First Aid We are still short of First Aiders to man the shows, as we are obliged to do by law. If anyone wishes to volunteer to take a free training course please contact Sarah Thomas on 01483 284070. |
Last Chance for Club Night |
This side-splitting, seizure-inducing one-act comedy by Peter Forbes will be performed at a Club Night on Sunday July 14th. The reading/audition will be held on Tuesday 25th June at 8pm.
It will be done as a rehearsed reading - the cast will use scripts but will move etc. as in a full production.
The characters comprise: 2 men, 25 - 40s 1 woman, 20s 1 woman, 30s 2 woman, 30s 1 man or woman 20s - 40s
There will be a two-week rehearsal period from 1st July
DO COME ALONG TO THE READING Club Nights are particularly intended to help newer or less experienced members to perform in a relaxed atmosphere.
On 15th May John Wettern, standing in for Linda Heath, Vice President of the Leatherhead Museum, gave a fascinating talk about the history of the town and in particular Hampton Cottage where the museum is situated - one of the oldest houses in Leatherhead.
On 19th June Graham Muncy, senior librarian at the Surrey Performing Arts Library, will talk about the work of the library and what it offers thespians, musicians, singers and dancers, and how the move to Denbies came about.
This will be the last Prompt Corner Lunch till September. |
An Evening of Celebration Bill Pearson Award |
Our annual evening of celebration proved to be a great success. Again Paul Evans gave his masterly round-up of all the many activities that made up the theatre's programme during 2001, with the aid of Lauren Fantham's high-tech, big-screen presentation.
It highlighted all the many jobs that, sung and unsung, have to be undertaken to keep the theatre running. Among those whose work was singled out were three members who over the years have given the Nomads huge support and who are now leaving us. Paul gave each of them a special commemorative certificate.
Deb Nurse who, over the years, has played a wide range of parts in many productions, been stage manager and wardrobe mistress, has designed and made costumes for a number of shows, been both Nomad secretary and company secretary for Nomad Players, been chairman of the Nomads, redrafted our constitution, helped with many social events and done the catering, and even been one of our first audio describers.
Roger Brandon Jones has been a tower of strength backstage, designing and building sets, organising the scenery workshop and Tuesday working parties, stage managing shows and on occasions has been tempted onto the stage. People have only had to mention jobs needing to be done around the theatre and Roger volunteered to help - particularly over the difficult period when we were without a theatre. The whole family have been involved, Alison with lights, Naomi, Julian and Alistair as actors.
Richard Brookman has over the last 3 years done a wonderful job as tutor for the ever expanding Nome classes and as director and often writer of the Nomes' annual show. He has also been the organiser for the Young Nomads and has even played parts in several plays.
Finally Paul asked Bill Pearson to make this year's presentation of the award named after him. In doing this Bill said: "The recipient this year is a member whose contribution to the theare has been vary varied, both on stage and backstage. Someone who doesn't wait to be asked to help with a task - but actually volunteers and even gets on quietly with a job without having their arm twisted - like clearing up the theatre after some activity or another.
Both an actor and a director, this Nomad has also helped back stage - prompting, helping to find props and in other ways. A great supporter of the Play in a Week project, for it is a HE, wrote last year's show London Lives, keeping every one of the the 32 Nomads involved happy and making himself very popular.
He is of course Peter Forbes.
At the same time he was writing our pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk, in which he was the 'voice over' giant. And he has done so much more. He wrote and directed a one-act play. 2001 was his last year as a very diligent Council secretary, often bullying the Council members into doing what they had promised to do at meetings - in the friendliest way.
He has certainly not been a backward Nomad in his ability to make every Nomad News so readable, for which he is editor, lead writer, publisher and distribution organiser.
He has also masterminded and edited many show programmes and has taken on the nasty chore of organising their collating and stapling for each show. Another job he volunteered to do.
I first met Peter sitting quietly in the corner at a Prompt Corner lunch some 6 years ago, and I hope he will forgive me for saying it, not looking too well at all. Little did one think he was going to play such a major and vital role in the Nomad world.
I do think Damon, the backward Nomad, should have a special T-shirt with the slogan on his back - 'Peter does it on stage, backstage and everywhere else too!'
With his usual modesty Peter sat through the presentation quite unaware that he was the recipient until his name was mentioned but thought Bill was getting it wrong - again - when things he had done started to get mentioned. Everyone shoed clearly by their applause how popular the choice was and congratulated him afterwards while they enjoyed Deb Danaher's excellent buffet.
Peter says: In another context J B Priestley once wrote, "I was taken aback, and may be said to have stayed aback ever since." That neatly encapsulates my feelings. People who get Oscars or at least know they've been nominated and can have a speech ready. I didn't, and now I have no idea what I said after the presentation. I hope I expressed astonishment, disbelief and gratitude for the honour. If not, I have now. Thanks again |
Those listed below are scheduled for the next few weeks. The asterisked person or persons is responsible for arranging with the others when to meet and do the work.
Sunday 23rd June Producer*, cast and crew of Nine. 6th/7th July Cast & Crew of Sherlock Holmes. 20th/21st July Mr & Mrs Charles Hope*, Robert Howard, Vicki Jamieson, Angela Jones, Stefan Kapota, Carol Kelman, Mr & Mrs Stuart Kerslake, Polly King. Sunday 4th August Producter*, cast & crew of Popcorn, Mr & Mrs John Norris, Martin Lawrance, Anoushka Lewis. |
Another show gets under way: Popcorn |
A fantastic cast is about to start rehearsals for this satirical comedy thriller. Salute:
Rowan Bangs Damien de Roche Pippa Frayne Antonia de Roche Steve Nankervis Marina Norris Amber Chandler |
Two fun ways of raising the funds to take POPCORN to Edinburgh |
On Monday 28th July there will be a Gala Premiere Performance of POPCORN including a pre-show reception with wine and a finger buffet supper. People are being invited from a number of local theatre companies and clubs. A great evening for meeting other theatre enthusiasts. Tickets £12.25 (members £12). Pick up a booking form in the theatre foyer or call Bill Pearson on 01306 730582.
We're cycling to Edinburgh! Or at least that far. A sponsored cycling event of 396 miles to be covered by the cast & crew of POPCORN on Saturday 13th July to raise funds for our trip to Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Watch out for people waving sponsorship forms and SIGN UP!
Will Rowan Bangs go all the way? |
with Andy Ashenden of the GSA
13th & 20th July : 10am - 5pm
Book with Damien de Roche on
01306 730293 |
Nomad Draw won by John Tweedale |
A correction - the April Draw was won by Molly Cook. The £50 May Draw was won by John Tweedale, a Nomad stalwart.
Ring Brian Rutherford on 01483 282046 to join the Draw Club and treat yourself to a fabulous opportunity to become rich for a mere £13 a year. |
2002 Newsletters:
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