Nomad News: January 1999
Stories in this Issue:
New Year Party
So what comes next?
Box Office
Brandon Does a Palin
Butterflies Are Free
Cinderella painting competition
People Needed
Training Day
Hoots the noo!
Cupboards anyone?
Wyrd Sisters Auditions
Penny for them - Nomads Clothes
Club Night: Play In A Day : Sunday 7 February
Cleaning Rota
Liz Butt organised a very successful New Year Party for the first year in the new theatre. The Rehearsal Room was beautifully decorated and lit by Sheila and Brandon McGuire, Ruth Casserly provided an excellent meal, and Lauren Fantham and John Norris organised fun games and a quiz. 50 people had a thoroughly good time. |
That's what we actually sold for the pantomime. Add in comps and the total audience reached 98.4%.
Something of a triumph, and not only in terms of sales. This was a real success all the way through. A great production, a talented cast, plenty of true pantomime fun, and not an innuendo in sight. There might have been a temptation to flaunt our new toys - the flying gear and revolve - but they were used only where they would be properly effective. A landmark production, and a great start to the year.
Our reviewer said, after praise for all concerned, "All in all a delighfully bouncy family show, with touchingly tender scenes between the Prince and Cinderella and some impressive special effects."
After each show a small group of the cast (not always the same ones!) tidied up and cleaned the auditorium, and on the Sunday after the show some 30 people turned out and cleaned the building from top to bottom. We owe them all thanks for this dedication. |
When Did You Last See Your Trousers? by Ray Galton and Jogn Antrobus, directed by John Norris
This hilarious farce, based on a story by Galton and Simpson of Hancock and Steptoe fame, begins quietly enough with Howard and Penny asleep in bed, when a burglar enters and steals various items, including Howard's suit!
Awakening, Howard announces his intention to get back to his wife, but how can he make it back to Easher without his trousers? Chaos and laughter and three scantily-clad girls ensure.
Rehearsals are under way and work has begun on the set.
Cast as cast Penny Jenny Freeman Howard Tim Spencer Home Secretary Paul Evans Captain Webber John Solomon Tove Bernadette O'Sullivan Punk, Burglar, Oliver Steve Nankervis Police Inspector Martin Lawrance Policeman Ian Renshaw Neighbour Mary Parsons
And a strong cast, you must agree. |
Quite a lot of people who came to the pantomime were disappointed because they were too late to book for the dates they originally wanted. A lesson that we should all take to heart.
Bookings are already coming in for 'Trousers'. If you want to get in early please apply by post or drop your order in to the theatre. Either send a SAE or collect tickets from the Box Office, which will be open for ticket collection and telephone or personal bookings from mid February.
Details of Box Office opening times will be in the next Newsletter. |
Our Artistic Director is going round the world (not with Richard Branson, luckily), starting on 18th February. From then until 22nd March, when he is due to return, Damien de Roche will substitute for him. |
Tuesday 23rd to Saturday 27th March in the Rehearsal Room (audience: 35).
This will be the first Nomad Studio production. It is an excellently written play by Leonard Gershe, an American playwright little known in this country; his dialogue has a nice flowing style. Although a comedy, set in a scruffy New York apartment, it has some moments of gentle drama which will need sensitive playing.
There are four characters, all American: Don, 20s-ish. Needs someone who can strum a guitar a little or be prepared to learn a few bars. Jill, probably 20s or a little older, young would-be actress. Mrs Baker, Don's protective Mum, but sensitive to his moods. Ralph, late 20s/30s, extrovert theatre producer.
The backstage team includes Wendy Scott, Co-ordinator, Tom Thomas, set construction, and Mary Thomas, prompt.
Interested and want to know more? Then phone the director Bill Pearson on 01306 730582.
Auditions Sunday 24th January at 2:30pm and Monday 25th January at 8pm, both in the Committee Room.
Bill needs to find the following: Sink and drainer 26" x 20", with taps if possible, practical. Baby Belling cooker or similar. Very small zinc bath tub. Mini mini fridge. Small canvas Director's chair.
All to be suitable for a 1960s New York apartment.
Call him on 01306 730582 if you can help. |
Cinderella painting competition |
We got over 100 entries to our competition. The winner of the 8-11 age group was Hilary Chittenden, from the Raleigh School, and Ellen Fraser from West Ashstead Primary School won the 5-7 age group.
They both won book tokens, the chance of a free term at the Nomes Children's Drama Workshop, and tickets for Cinderella. Both schools received £50 worth of book tokens.
Their parents were offered a free weekend's driving in a Mazda sports car, provided by T W White & Sons, who sponsored the competition.
Second and third prize winners also got book tokens, and there were highly commended entries from five other local schools. Waterstones contributed towards the book tokens that were awarded.. |
Now that we have a better equipped theatre and a busy year ahead we need to recruit more helpers. Anyone interested in lighting, sound, set design and construction and scenery flying etc. should contact our Technical Director, Martin Lawrance, on 01483 532340.
Anyone who can offer graphic design skills for posters, flyers etc. should contact Brandon McGuire on 01483 284490. |
Alan Cohen will give detailed instruction on the operation of the stage equipment on Saturday 30th January. The morning session will be from 10am to 12 noon and the afternoon one from 2 to 4 pm. Everyone is welcome. Please call Hugh Frayne on 01483 282501 and tell him if you would like to attend. |
Burns Night at Javis Thatchers Hotel
On Monday 25th January a traditional dinner, including haggis and trimmings will be served, and our own Glaswegian, John Tweedale, will don the kilt and give the (also traditional) Address 'To A Haggis'.
This promises to be an entertaining evening for Scots and Sassenachs alike. For full details see the enclosed leaflet or ring 01483 284291.
by Terry Pratchett A Young Nomad production directed by Rob Turner
The king lies murdered, an evil duke rules the kingdom and 3 witches have come into possession of a baby - the rightful heir to the throne. They soon discover that interfering in royal politics is a lot more difficult than <i>certain</i> well-known playwrights would have you believe ...
Characters: Granny Weatherway (F50+) a witch
Nanny Ogg (F50+) a witch
Duke (M35+) a murderer
Duchess (F35+) an accomplice
Magrat Garlick (F15-25) a witch
Fool (M15-25) a Fool
Tomjon (M15-25) an actor
Vitoller (M15-25) an actor
Mrs Vitoller (F15-25) wife and manager
Hwel (M/F15-25) a playwright
King Verence (M15+) a king, deceased.
Assorted guards, peasants, robbers, players, demons (M/F15-25)
Auditions will be held at the theatre on Sunday 14 Feburary from 3 to 5pm. If you would like to audition but cannot attend please call Rob Turner on (0181) 641 3929. |
Penny for them - Nomads Clothes |
Penny Armitage still has some of the following clothes left for sale. They make ideal presents for birthdays, non-birthdays and just any old days. Act NOW! while stocks last!!
Ring Penny for them on 01483 283549.
Sweatshirts £15 S, M, L or XL White, Teal, Navy or Black
Polo shirts £13 S, M, L or XL White, Navy or Black
Fleeces £38 Full or 1/4 zip S, M, L or XL Navy or Black
Club Night: Play In A Day : Sunday 7 February |
Play In A Day is a chance for all Nomads to try out something different. Perhaps you've always wondered what it would bye like to direct? What's involved in backstage crew activities? Or could this be your chance to take a tentative step onto the boards?
Starting at 9am, a number of very short plays will be cast, rehearsed, learned and then 'performed', all within the space of one day. All of our facilities can be used, and getting props set and costume together throughout the day is part of the challenge.
Then at 8pm all members are invited to watch the final results. This is a very challenging and rewarding day and the more people who participate the better.
There are three categories:
1) Acting 2) Directing 3) Backstage and Technical.
Will anyone who wants to take part please pick their first choice and second choice categories and call Damien de Roche on 01306 730293 by no later than 31st January. On the morning of 7th February each production will be given its director, cast, crew and script.
Then you're against the clock!
Do come along and support those taking part by giving them a decent-sized audience for the results. The plays start at 8pm.
The first three teams have successfully dusted, vacuumed, cleaned loos and sinks and swept their way to keeping the theatre clean and more hygienic. I hope you've all noticed the difference. Thank you everyone.
Please notify me at once as soon as you know there's a problem, so that I can try to substitute a new member or re-arrange your week. |
1999 Newsletters:
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