Because we want members to be able to use the theatre building as fully as possible we have decided to leave the bar room open more often, so that it can be used to better advantage.
Please feel free to use it, but remember - if you want to book the room for a particular event you must let Ted Yates know so that he can mark it down on the planner.
Saturday Mornings Because of the ever increasing popularity of the Nomes Workshops on Saturday mornings and the more frequent Box Office opening times the bar room will be open from 10.30am to 12.15pm Coffee and soft drinks will be available at very modest prices so that Nome parents, and anyone else can have some refreshments while they wait to pick up and drop off their children. Children under 14 are welcome in the bar room between those hours.
Between 12.15pm and 1.30pm we will open the bar itself for those who would like something a little more fortifying. Please note however, that children under fourteen cannot come into the Bar while alcoholic beverages are available.
We hope that these arrangements will be more pleasant for Nome parents than milling around the stage door.
Young Nomads: Friday evenings The bar will be open on Friday evenings between 9.30pm and 11.00pm to provide a venue for the Young Nomads to meet after their weekly sessions. This has proved very popular in the past and of course all other members are welcome to pop in. Please note, though, that we must observe the age limits, so we ask for co-operation.
Sunday Mornings It has been suggested that the bar is opened on some sunday mornings so that members can have a meeting place. We propose to try one Sunday a month to see if this proves popular. No dates have been fixed as yet so watch out in future Newsletters for details.
Bar Help To make all this work, though, we need to help of more of the membership to work behind the bar. If you would like to try your hand as a Bar Person (and wear a nice white Nomad sweat shirt) please get in touch with a member of the Bar Committee, or of the Nomad Council, or Margaret Yates (on 01372 454314), who will be waiting, pen in hand, to add your name to her list of helpers.
The bar should also be included in the weekend cleaning rota, so if the door is unlocked please allow the Hoover and some dusters to find their way in.
Finally, and for the record, our permitted licensing hours are:
Mon - Sat: 11am - 2.30pm, 6.30pm - 11pm Sunday: 12noon - 2pm, 7pm - 10:30pm
At these times, and if the bar shutters are open then children under 14 cannot come into the bar, even if drinks are not being sold.. Also children between 14 and 16 must be accompanied. |