News & Reviews
20th Jul

Desperately Seeking Singers

Nomad Celebration Evening

Great Club Night (14th April)

Nomad Open Day Cancelled


Nomad News: March 2002

Stories in this Issue:
The Year in Question - 2001
No more Nutcrackers
Two Club Nights
Next Production - The Memory of Water
The Little Theatre Guild of Great Britain
A Plea
A Good Sign
Around the house
Coming Soon! to a theatre near you.
Prompt Corners
Popcorn Auditions
Nine Auditions
Jenny Freeman
Theatre Cleaning Rota
The Bill Pearson Award: How to make a nomination
Nomad Draw

The Year in Question - 2001

It was a vert good year,
For small town shows,
As everyone knows,
- Are the best in poetry and

Gosh, 2001 - Oliver!, Les Liaisons.., The Tempest, Talking Heads, The Gingerbread Man, Wind in the Willows, Cabaret, Hay Fever... Just a sample of the shows we put on last year. Was it really that recently? Well yes it was and before we consign the memories of our achievements to the realm of doubt and confusion we will be holding our Annual Celebration Evening on Saturday 18th May to review the year, to have a chuckle, maybe shed the odd tear (no? - just me then), pat each other on the back and to endow one of our members with the Bill Pearson Award.

* One bonus point to anyone who knows of which Frank Sinatra song this is an attempted parody.

See the rest of this months news for details on how to nominate someone for the Award.


No more Nutcrackers
Sadly, Nutcracker Sweet has had to be cancelled. In its place the Young Nomads will devise, rehearse and present a play in a weekend, performing it on Sunday 7th April at 8pm.

Two Club Nights
Derek Brooks, a recently joined member, will present the slide show about the work of the RSC which he and his wife took around the country for some years. Sunday 14th April at 8pm

Next Production - The Memory of Water

Marina Norris directs the illustrious cast, which is now in rehearsal and includes Amanda Armishaw, Jenny Freeman, Sarah Phillpot, Bernadette O'Sullivan, Paul Evans and Brandon McGuire. The fabulous production crew includes Helena Johnston, Tim & Robin Williams, Lisa Arnold, Jill Evans and the Tuesday Crew.

The Memory of Water is a beautifully written comedy soon to be released as a major film. Catch it as The Nomads first!

Tuesday 30th April and Wednesday 1st May £6.25 (members £6)
Thursday 2nd to Saturday 4th May £7.75 (members £7.50)
Ring Mary Thomas on (01372) 450347

Booking early saves frustration *
* From The Boys' Big Book Of Proverbs


The Little Theatre Guild of Great Britain
What is LTG?
The Little Theatre Guild is a national organization representing the interests of over 90 amateur theatres who own their own buildings. They provide support concerning artistic activities, advocacy for theatres like us and communication between member groups. There is a poster by the stage door showing what the Guild can offer us.

If you are interested in learning more, have a look at their web site There is a searchable data base of information about other little theatres, and an internet discussion board where members can exchange information and advice. A good place to visit if you are looking for something special for a production.

Annual Conference
Bill Pearson, John Norris and a new member, Ken Woodward, are attending the annual conference at the Apollo Theatre at Newport, Isle of Wight in April. IT is a great occasion to discuss any problems we may have. If there is anything anyone would like brought up during the discussions please tell Bill on 01306 730582 or email

Logo competition
The Guild national committee are running a competition for a new logo for the organization. The winner will get £50 and his/her theatre £150. Anyone who would like to earn themselves and the Nomads some money please contact Bill for details.

A Plea
We're lucky to have a pretty large membership these days. We're glad to see you all buying tickets, supporting Club Nights, Prompt Corner Lunches, social events and the like.

But we're always short of people to help with things like the bar, Newletter stuffing, Front of House work, Box Office and even some backstage functions.

It can be good fun and you'll meet all sorts of nice people. So, if you feel that you want to make a difference, talk to a Council member or leave a message on 01483 284717 and make someone's day.

A Good Sign
Sharp-eyed Nomads will have noticed that we have a new poster board under our sign at Bishopsmead Parade. This is a splendid double-sided, glazed display box, beautifully designed and made by Tom Thomas. So now there will be no more posters stapled onto a scruffy board. This is a splendid enhancement of our image, and we are grateful to Tom for his superb work.

Around the house
If you are locking up the theatre please make sure that all external doors are locked before you set the alarm. There have been a number of cases recently of unlocked doors being opened quite innocently by people who suddenly found themselves deafened (and sometimes frightened) by the alarm going off. This also causes keyholders to be dragged away from home to come and turn off the alarm, and annoys the neighbours (it is a very loud alarm).

The alarm can also go off if someone uses a swipe card but has no alarm fob. Please don't open a door unless you have both items and know how to use them.

Some of you will by now have seen the improvements in the bar - the banquette seating and the new chairs. For the rest of you that is a treat to come. The new look will soon be completed when the curtains have been cleaned and shortened.

Well, now we've got it we have to look after it. Please don't spill food or drink in the bar, or, if you do, clean itup straightaway. Debbie Danaher, as we all know, is an angel, but if anyone marks the new furniture, or - worse - gets a cigarette burn on it she will turn into an avenging angel. Her wrath will be terrible.

So please, avoid a fate that even the early Christian martyrs would have regarded as barbaric and treat the new furniture with the respect it deserves.

Coming Soon! to a theatre near you.
We shall soon be able to offer our patrons credit card bookings. This will make life easier for Box Office staff as well as punters, and will be an essential part of the computerised booking system we are working towards.

Watch this space!

Prompt Corners
The next lunch will be Wednesday 20th March. Claire Fox, fundraising director at the Yvonne Arnaud, will be telling us the latest news about the theatre's activities and something of her very varied life in the theatre world.

Ring Eva by the previous Monday if you want to attend.

Next month's talk has yet to be confirmed, but the speaker at the May lunch will be Linda Heath from Leatherhead Museum.

Popcorn Auditions
by Ben Elton

Plands are already underway for this year's EDINBURGH FRINGE FESTIVAL production. Applications have been made to several venues and we await the outcome.

If you wish to find out more about Popcorn prior to the auditions come and join in a read-through of this great play.

Monday 8th April at 8pm

Cast List

Bruce Delamitri - Hollywood Film Director 30s / 40s
Karl Brezner - The Producer of Bruce's films 30s - 50
Velvet Delamitri - Bruce's teenage daughter 16 - 25
Farrah Delamitri - Bruce's nearly divorced wife 30s / 40s
Wayne - Violent latter day Bonnie and Clyde notorious killers 20s - 30s
Scout - Violent latter day Bonnie and Clyde notorious killers 20s - 30s
Brooke Daniels - Nude model and actress
Kirsten - TV presenter 20 - 50
Bill - TV camera crew 20 - 50

For further details please contact Brandon McGuire on 01372 720985

Nine Auditions
A reminder
The auditions for Nine are on Sunday 17th March at 2.30pm and Monday 18th March at 7.30pm.

If you intend to audition please call Steve Williams on 01737 249815 to get a time slot and to ask about audition pieces.

Do come along. There are plenty of roles, as you would have seen in the Last Newsletter.

Jenny Freeman
Jenny is appearing in the Ed Douglas Show (of BBC SCR fame!) at the De La Warr Pavillion at Bexhill-on-sea on Sunday March 17th at 7.25. This is a variety show in aid of Bexhill Diabetic Group and features singers, dancers, comedians etc. Jenny will be performing a new 'talking heads' style piece written by Mike Bartlett. Tickets are £8.00 and are available on FREEPHONE 0800 5942018.

Its short notice (not Jenny's fault), but do go along and support her if you can.

Theatre Cleaning Rota
Those listed below are scheduled for the next few weeks. The asterisked person or persons is responsible for arranging with the others when to meet and do the work.

23/24th March: Roger* Alison & Naomi Brandon-Jones, Jonathan Bleasby, Christine Bonar, Chris & Brenda Brooks, Mr & Mrs Derek Brooks, Elaine Burns, Lawrance Burns.

Sunday 7th April: Cast & Crew of Play in a Weekend* (Young Nomads), Chris & Mel Bussicott, Jo Bussicott, Marie Cargin.

20/21st April: Damien & Antonia de Roche*, Alexander Carr, Amy Catten, Julia Cochrane, Roanna Cochrane, Mr & Mrs Jeff Cox, Elizabeth Cross, Jamie Davis, Claire Derriman, Mrs S Divers.

The Bill Pearson Award: How to make a nomination
Any full member can be nominated for this award (excluding current members of the Nomad General Council, who, just to remind you are:

Paul Evans, Stuart Freeman, Lauren Fantham, Bernard Webb, Damien de Roche, Charles Hope, Sarah Thomas, Wendy Scott, Sarah Phillpot, Bill Pearson, Hugh Frayne, Debbie Danaher and Robin Williams.)

Please give some thought to the people you know in the theatre who worked during the year on behalf of its continuing sucess. Tough task I know, as there were many who contributed to the theatre's activities in 2001. It may be someone who made a single significant contribution, one of the several who het on quietly and diligently with one aspect of the Nomads' work month after month, or the sort of person who became involved in different sorts of Nomad activity during the year.

The key thing is that the award is for the specific year 2001.

Please give the name to any Council member. Verbally will do - there is no need to fill in a form (we haven't printed any). Or write the name on a piece of paper and leave it at the theatre (or pop it through the letterbox) marked for my attention. There is also no need to justify you nomination. Nominations will close on April 9th to give the Council the opportunity to discuss the names put forward.

Make a date for the award evening! 18th May, 7.30 for 8pm (or thereabouts - we are an informal lot aren't we?).

Nomad Draw
The £50 January Draw was won by Lynda Williams, and the £50 February Draw by Peter McKinley.

Ring Brian Rutherford on 01483 282046 to join the Draw Club and treat yourself to a fabulous opportunity to become rich for a mere £13 a year.

2002 Newsletters:
January February
March April
May June
July August
September October
November December

Yearly Archive: 1999, 2001, 2002,

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