The Nomad Theatre
Covid-19: Nomad Theatre Programme news
In light of the lockdown beginning on Thursday 5th November 2020, we are looking at rescheduling many shows and we will keep in touch to keep you up to date with news of our activities.
God Of Carnage - we are planning to move the production to 2021, please keep your eyes peeled for the new dates!
In many ways, we are lucky to be in a position where the cost of opening will not be prohibitive, so we have every confidence in the continuation of The Nomad Theatre and all our groups. We can’t wait to welcome everyone back, as soon as it’s safe to do so.Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at future Theatre events.
Nomes Youth Theatre
Our talented Tutors are working hard on a solution for the rest of this term’s classes!
We’ll have more information for Nomes parents on the website soon, here.
Welcome to The Nomad Theatre
We are a community, not-for-profit theatre group, occupying a professionally designed theatre space. We produce a variety of shows, year-round, as well as showcasing affiliate groups on our stage.
How to book
Tickets are available online here - Book Now. You can also book by phone 01483 284747 and leave a message on the answerphone, a member of the team will call you back or you can call in to the theatre on Saturdays 10-12.30. You can pay by cash, cheque or credit card.
Find us
You will find the Nomad Theatre behind the shops in Bishopsmead Parade, East Horsley, KT24 6RT. Look for our swinging sign and drive under the archway between the coffee shop and the Post Office. See the map for parking.
Other activities
We have a thriving group for youngsters (Nomes Youth Theatre), a regular community lunch & speaker event (Prompt Corner - get involved by emailing), the amazing annual event Play In A Week and plenty of opportunities to socialise at a Club Night, social event or Tuesday social evenings.
If you wish to join us or have any query for the team then leave a message on the answerphone 01483 284717 or email [email protected]
Don’t forget you can also follow us on social media!
Next auditions…
Check back for details of upcoming auditions.
To act in any of our productions, you must become a member - see our Get Involved page for all the details.
SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Play in a Week at rehearsal Nomad Theatre
Bishopsmead Parade
East Horsley
KT24 6RT office 01483 284717
box office 01483 284747
[email protected]
How to get involved
Would you like to volunteer with us? Join as a member to act or direct? Become a ‘Friend’?
Visit this page - How to get involved
We invite any member who feels they have some expertise in customer service, marketing, secretarial skills (or any other organisational skill), and can devote some of their time to help the Nomads to flourish to talk to a member of the Council. We need more members to work behind the bar, join the Front of House team, join the box office team, help build and paint the sets and much more.
Just looking for the forms? See below:
Membership form & details of membership types
The Council
Chairman : Moyra Brookes
Deputy Chairman: (position vacant)
Treasurer : Tony Bowdery
Artistic Director : Jackie Shearer
Secretary : Elaine Burns
Technical Manager: Justin Cobb
Theatre Manager: Justin Cobb and David Martin carry out the tasks
PIAW: Lisa Arnold
Greenroom Chairman: Hedda Johnston
Young Nomad Representative: vacant
General Members: Annabelle Lawrence (Marketing & Publicity)
NPL Nominee: Liz Vessey, David Martin