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News & Reviews Butterflies Are Free
6th January

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Butterflies Are Free
Tuesday 23rd to Saturday 27th March in the Rehearsal Room (audience: 35).

This will be the first Nomad Studio production. It is an excellently written play by Leonard Gershe, an American playwright little known in this country; his dialogue has a nice flowing style. Although a comedy, set in a scruffy New York apartment, it has some moments of gentle drama which will need sensitive playing.

There are four characters, all American:
Don, 20s-ish. Needs someone who can strum a guitar a little or be prepared to learn a few bars.
Jill, probably 20s or a little older, young would-be actress.
Mrs Baker, Don's protective Mum, but sensitive to his moods.
Ralph, late 20s/30s, extrovert theatre producer.

The backstage team includes Wendy Scott, Co-ordinator, Tom Thomas, set construction, and Mary Thomas, prompt.

Interested and want to know more? Then phone the director Bill Pearson on 01306 730582.

Auditions Sunday 24th January at 2:30pm and Monday 25th January at 8pm, both in the Committee Room.

Bill needs to find the following:
Sink and drainer 26" x 20", with taps if possible, practical.
Baby Belling cooker or similar.
Very small zinc bath tub.
Mini mini fridge.
Small canvas Director's chair.

All to be suitable for a 1960s New York apartment.

Call him on 01306 730582 if you can help.

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