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News & Reviews Two fun ways of raising the funds to take POPCORN to Edinburgh
7th October

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Two fun ways of raising the funds to take POPCORN to Edinburgh

On Monday 28th July there will be a Gala Premiere Performance of POPCORN including a pre-show reception with wine and a finger buffet supper. People are being invited from a number of local theatre companies and clubs. A great evening for meeting other theatre enthusiasts.
Tickets £12.25 (members £12). Pick up a booking form in the theatre foyer or call Bill Pearson on 01306 730582.


We're cycling to Edinburgh! Or at least that far. A sponsored cycling event of 396 miles to be covered by the cast & crew of POPCORN on Saturday 13th July to raise funds for our trip to Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Watch out for people waving sponsorship forms and SIGN UP!

Will Rowan Bangs go all the way?

Links: Popcorn,

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