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News & Reviews Wyrd Sisters Auditions
9th February

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AUDITIONS Feb 08 - Family Ties

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Wyrd Sisters Auditions

by Terry Pratchett
A Young Nomad production directed by Rob Turner

The king lies murdered, an evil duke rules the kingdom and 3 witches have come into possession of a baby - the rightful heir to the throne. They soon discover that interfering in royal politics is a lot more difficult than <i>certain</i> well-known playwrights would have you believe ...

Granny Weatherway (F50+)
a witch

Nanny Ogg (F50+)
a witch

Duke (M35+)
a murderer

Duchess (F35+)
an accomplice

Magrat Garlick (F15-25)
a witch

Fool (M15-25)
a Fool

Tomjon (M15-25)
an actor

Vitoller (M15-25)
an actor

Mrs Vitoller (F15-25)
wife and manager

Hwel (M/F15-25)
a playwright

King Verence (M15+)
a king, deceased.

Assorted guards, peasants, robbers, players, demons (M/F15-25)

Auditions will be held at the theatre on Sunday 14 Feburary from 3 to 5pm. If you would like to audition but cannot attend please call Rob Turner on (0181) 641 3929.

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