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News & Reviews Club Night: Play In A Day : Sunday 7 February
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Club Night: Play In A Day : Sunday 7 February

Play In A Day is a chance for all Nomads to try out something different. Perhaps you've always wondered what it would bye like to direct? What's involved in backstage crew activities? Or could this be your chance to take a tentative step onto the boards?

Starting at 9am, a number of very short plays will be cast, rehearsed, learned and then 'performed', all within the space of one day. All of our facilities can be used, and getting props set and costume together throughout the day is part of the challenge.

Then at 8pm all members are invited to watch the final results. This is a very challenging and rewarding day and the more people who participate the better.

There are three categories:

1) Acting
2) Directing
3) Backstage and Technical.

Will anyone who wants to take part please pick their first choice and second choice categories and call Damien de Roche on 01306 730293 by no later than 31st January. On the morning of 7th February each production will be given its director, cast, crew and script.

Then you're against the clock!

Do come along and support those taking part by giving them a decent-sized audience for the results. The plays start at 8pm.

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