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News & Reviews Surrey Advertiser on Wizard of Oz
10th January

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Surrey Advertiser on Wizard of Oz

... and what someone else thought of it
(from the Surrey Advertiser letters page)

"Several years ago there was correspondence in your columns arising from the National Lottery grant given to the amateur theatrical company, The Nomads, to build a new theatre. If anyone had any doubts about the appropriateness of this funding, a visit to their East Horsley theatre to see their January production of The Wizard of Oz would surely chisel away any lingering doubts. This was a quite superb production, to professional standards and above all a true community show with a huge cast including dozens of young and very young actors from the area.

The Nomads had the courage to run the show for a 10-day period and mainly played to full houses. 1 would urge anyone interested in quality theatre to follow this company's fortunes and would express my gratitude to those at the Lottery Fund who had the foresight to support this splendid project."

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