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News & Reviews Wyrd Sisters - Terry Pratchett: Who He?
6th February

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Wyrd Sisters - Terry Pratchett: Who He?

In case you don't know about him, the author of the Young Nomads' April production is one of the most successful writers Britain has every produced, and one of the funniest.

He happens to write fantasy novels, so he is not as well known as your Booker or Whitbread winners, but he outsells them many times over, and more often. His books aren't just for the young, either, but rather for the young at heart; some of his fans are on their tenth bus pass.

He tends to produce a couple of novels a year - with not a dud amongst them - and he has been compared to P G Wodehouse, Dickens and Tolkein amongst others. He is one of those rare writers who can make you shout with laughter in an empty room.

Discworld, an imaginary planet, is the setting for most of his books. Anything can happen there, and usually does. In Wyrd Sisters threee witches happen. Sound familiar? Come and see if it is.

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