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News & Reviews Didn't They Do Well? 5 Awards plus 8 Nominations
27th July

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Didn't They Do Well? 5 Awards plus 8 Nominations

Nomad members took all those honours in the Guildford Drama Festival
The Guildford Drama Festival - 24 -28 June 2003

As Nomads, with Last Chance, they did well with one award - to the writer, Peter Forbes, in the Originality category, and three nominations - Bernadette O'Sullivan for Best Supporting Actress, Phill Grifflth for best Supporting Actor and Lauren Fantham for Stage Management.

But it was as Buzz Theatre Company that they really scored, winning awards for Best Production, Best Performing Actor (Stuart Freeman), Best Performing Actress (Antonia de Roche) and nominations for Lauren Fantham as Best Supporting
Actress, for Sal Fanmanino as Best Director, and Stuart again for his play September, under the Originality category.

Yet another Nomad, Keith McDonald, won Best Director for the second year running with his Creaction Theatre Company, as well as a nomination for Best Production, and Sarah Phillpot, appearing with the Whips, was nominated for Best Actress.

Something to shout about!

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