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News & Reviews Next Production - The Memory of Water
8th October

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Next Production - The Memory of Water

Marina Norris directs the illustrious cast, which is now in rehearsal and includes Amanda Armishaw, Jenny Freeman, Sarah Phillpot, Bernadette O'Sullivan, Paul Evans and Brandon McGuire. The fabulous production crew includes Helena Johnston, Tim & Robin Williams, Lisa Arnold, Jill Evans and the Tuesday Crew.

The Memory of Water is a beautifully written comedy soon to be released as a major film. Catch it as The Nomads first!

Tuesday 30th April and Wednesday 1st May £6.25 (members £6)
Thursday 2nd to Saturday 4th May £7.75 (members £7.50)
Ring Mary Thomas on (01372) 450347

Booking early saves frustration *
* From The Boys' Big Book Of Proverbs

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