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The Little Theatre Guild of Great Britain |
What is LTG? The Little Theatre Guild is a national organization representing the interests of over 90 amateur theatres who own their own buildings. They provide support concerning artistic activities, advocacy for theatres like us and communication between member groups. There is a poster by the stage door showing what the Guild can offer us.
If you are interested in learning more, have a look at their web site http://www.littletheatreguild.org/ There is a searchable data base of information about other little theatres, and an internet discussion board where members can exchange information and advice. A good place to visit if you are looking for something special for a production.
Annual Conference Bill Pearson, John Norris and a new member, Ken Woodward, are attending the annual conference at the Apollo Theatre at Newport, Isle of Wight in April. IT is a great occasion to discuss any problems we may have. If there is anything anyone would like brought up during the discussions please tell Bill on 01306 730582 or email bill.pearson@ukonline.co.uk
Logo competition The Guild national committee are running a competition for a new logo for the organization. The winner will get £50 and his/her theatre £150. Anyone who would like to earn themselves and the Nomads some money please contact Bill for details. |