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News & Reviews HOUSE: A great start for Play in A Week
7th October

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HOUSE: A great start for Play in A Week

Preparations for our fifth Play In A Week got off to a great start when over 30 people attended a brain-storming session led by Brandon McGuire, this year's director. There was a wide-ranging discussion about the theme and content of the show with contributions from those present and others who sent in suggestions. It was good to have Roger Brandon-Jones back with us and as enthusiastic as ever.

The production will be a unique tale in words, music and dance of everyday household objects - with not one human character in the cast!

As part of the project those participating, from Harbour Day Centre, the Freewheelers and The Grange Centre, have been given disposable cameras to photograph household objects that may be featured in the play, in a way that is spooky, romantic, confrontational, dramatic, funny or poignant. Already over 50 images have been submitted.

As well as being used in the stage setting some of these images will be displayed in the foyer on the day of the show. Saturday 6 September. Why not pop in between 10.30 and 12.30 to have a coffee and see the diverse results of the groups' work?

Sarah Thomas is doing the box office for the show. Seats are selling well, so do book early on 01483 284070.

The Mayor of Guildford, the Chairman of Mole Valley District Council and Mary. Duchess of Roxbughe, are coming to the show.

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