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News & Reviews The Cherry Orchard Reminder!
27th July

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The Cherry Orchard Reminder!

Rehearsals are already showing that this play is going to be one to remember.
Chekhov called The Cherry Orchard a comedy, and this production will bring out that aspect of the play fully.

The splendid cast, under the directorship of Colin Swift, includes Helen Longes, Damien de Roche, Phill Griffith, Kate Raye, Hilary Swift, Trish McFall, Bernadette O'Sullivan, Barry McCann, Wally Ross Gower, Steve Nankervis, Pamela Deacon, Darren Layard, Edd Mott, Tim Spencer and Colin himself.

Tickets : Tuesday & Wednesday £6.75 (all members £6.50) Thursday to Saturday £9.25 (associate members £9.00, full members £8)

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