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News & Reviews Steel Magnolias Auditions
17th May

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Steel Magnolias Auditions

8th - 13th March 2004

Steel Magnolias

by Robert Harling
directed by Jane Martin

Calling Actresses from 17 to 70

Sunday 14th December at 6.30pm in the bar.

It is an all female cast with parts for a variety of ages:

Shellby - 20s. Beautiful, wilful, charming
Annelle - 19ish. Shy, religious hairdresser
M'Lynne - 40s or 50s. Shelby's mum, over protective
Ouiser - 60s cantankerous old bid with heart of gold
Truvy - 40s bubbly, gossipy, loveable hairdresser.
Clairee - 60s local official, tease, grounded, witty

Set in Truy's beauty salon in small town Alabama, Steel Magnolias is a heart-warming story of friendship. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, it focuses on the changes in the lives of all six women by especially Shelby, a severe diabetic. This is a wonderful enseble piece and a fantastic opportunity for actresses of all ages. Please come along and audition.

New members and Young Nomads especially welcome.

Audition pieces and more information available from Jane
01276 514131 or 07813 201155

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