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News & Reviews Ant's Corner
30th April

News & Reviews
Henry V Teaser Trailer Available

Film Night 24 April

Ant's Corner

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The Wey We Were

News & Reviews

Nomad News:

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Ant's Corner

Like London buses the theatre has two productions arriving in rapid succession this month. First up is Steel Magnolias and having dropped in to a couple of rehearsals recently I can tell you its going to be a great show. It will make you laugh and cry so I urge you to book your tickets. Hot on its heels come The Freewheelers performing an original play, The Musicians, by acclaimed playwright Patrick Marber. This is a great opportunity to see a play written by one of Britain's top dramatists.

Thanks to everyone who attended and was involved in the Valentine Clubnight. I'm sure those who were there will agree it was an entertaining evening with two very diverse pieces. It was great to witness the work of people new to directing, writing and performing on the Nomads' stage. Hopefully this trend will continue.

A reminder to anyone interested in the Stunt workshop there are a few spaces left and you need to book your place by March 18th. Also don't forget the monthly acting workshops, they are a great opportunity to learn new skills. The next one is on 1st April, 8 - 10 pm. Come along and try it out as they do need to be better supported in order to continue running. Call Antonia on 01306 730293

Don't forget about the Stunt Workshop, featured in last month's Nomad News. Come and learn the techniques of stage combat, both armed and unarmed.

The workshop will be run by Gary Andrews and Joy Tinniswood. Joy is a professional actress with a Silver Level One qualification from the BADC (British Academy of Dramatic Combat). Gary used to belong to the Stunt Action Special over the country and in the last 12 years has choreographed something in the region of 100 fights for Amateur Dramatic companies throughout the South East.

Sunday March 28th 10 am - 12 noon or 1pm - 3pm
2 Hours for £5 for members and £6 for non-members


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