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News & Reviews The Bill Pearson Award: How to make a nomination
27th July

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The Bill Pearson Award: How to make a nomination
Any full member can be nominated for this award (excluding current members of the Nomad General Council, who, just to remind you are:

Paul Evans, Stuart Freeman, Lauren Fantham, Bernard Webb, Damien de Roche, Charles Hope, Sarah Thomas, Wendy Scott, Sarah Phillpot, Bill Pearson, Hugh Frayne, Debbie Danaher and Robin Williams.)

Please give some thought to the people you know in the theatre who worked during the year on behalf of its continuing sucess. Tough task I know, as there were many who contributed to the theatre's activities in 2001. It may be someone who made a single significant contribution, one of the several who het on quietly and diligently with one aspect of the Nomads' work month after month, or the sort of person who became involved in different sorts of Nomad activity during the year.

The key thing is that the award is for the specific year 2001.

Please give the name to any Council member. Verbally will do - there is no need to fill in a form (we haven't printed any). Or write the name on a piece of paper and leave it at the theatre (or pop it through the letterbox) marked for my attention. There is also no need to justify you nomination. Nominations will close on April 9th to give the Council the opportunity to discuss the names put forward.

Make a date for the award evening! 18th May, 7.30 for 8pm (or thereabouts - we are an informal lot aren't we?).
Links: Bill Pearson,

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