What a great Show!
The guests at our Gala Night for Henry V were very complimentary with their comments. The president of our new theatre appeal, Lady Hamilton of Dalzell, said after the performance, "Seeing the show this evening makes me feel very honoured to have been associated with building of the new theatre". Comments received since from other supporters of the theatre appeal included "terrific show", "a lovely evening" and "a fine performance".
A Nome mum who had not been to a Nomad show before commented that she and her friends had seen Henry V at the RSC but enjoyed our production more! A teenager, still recently a Nome, said she had been taken to see many of our shows but this was the best!
The Leatherhead Advertiser had an extensive article covering the Leatherhead Drama Festival, in which The Nomads were placed second overall. Our production at the Theatre in Leatherhead, though severely edited, was a brilliant success and as the first senior production certainly set a high standard for the week. Both Don Brown (Henry V) and Sally Jones (Katherine) received nominations for best actor and best actress respectively. Well done to Damien and Hilary and all the cast for a spectacular production.
We hope to have the review ready for the June newsletter. See inside for some more comments and Phill's Photos of the show - also available in colour on our website - www.nomadtheatre.com