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News & Reviews Ant's Corner: Auditions and News
8th August

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Ant's Corner: Auditions and News

News & Reviews

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Ant's Corner: Auditions and News

The theatre is about to enter its busiest period so far this year; over the next two months we will have three shows in production, auditions for two more, another entry in a drama festival and a period of two weeks when everything stops on the stage while the technical team carry out their regular theatre maintenance. Phew!

Sleuth is coming up at the end of June and is looking like it will be a great show. The cast have been working hard on the play as have the Tuesday (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday...) Crew on the set which is starting to look spectacular. Thanks for everyone's dedication. Book your tickets now to enjoy the rollercoaster ride of the twists and turns in the plot.

Less than two weeks after Sleuth, the Nomes will be performing their show, Gulliver's Travels. Again, lots of hard work is being done by a committed team of tutors, parents and children. I can't wait to see the final results. The Young Nomads will be starting work on their show Teechers, auditions will take place in the next two weeks and then they will be on their way too. The play will be performed at the end of August so don't forget to book your tickets before you go away on holiday!

On June 17th a small group of Nomads will be taking part in the Guildford Festival. Rowan Bangs has directed Zoe Triantifillou, Edd Mott and Jenny Moon in The Chainsaw Manicure, a black comedy by Thomas Kett, assisted by Pippa Frayne as producer. The rehearsals are going well so they are looking forward to the festival. It's great to see such enthusiasm and motivation from this group of young people: they have conceived and organised the whole production, entirely without help.

Coming up in July we will have auditions for our final two main house shows of the year, Barefoot in the Park and The Sound of Music. After some initial discussions, I can tell you that both directors are very keen and excited about their respective shows. We hope to have a good turn out at the auditions for both shows so check out the information elsewhere in the newsletter and come along.

June also saw the start of another new venture, the Beginners Workshops. These workshops are designed for people with disabilities who have an interest in acting but have never done it before. The workshops take place on a Tuesday afternoon from 1.15 - 3.30 and culminate in a showcase on Tuesday 6th July. The first session was a great success. Any other Nomads who would like to come along and help on a Tuesday afternoon would be very welcome or if you are free come and support the showcase.

Play in a Week had a initial workshop at The Grange in Bookham, to discuss plans for Grimm's Fairy Tales. The Grange were most hospitable and helpful which enabled the session to run smoothly, leaving everybody fired up and raring to go. There's still time to get involved, please contact Bill Pearson.

Thanks to everyone who responded to my thoughts in May's newsletter. Several people have offered club night ideas, in fact so many we are struggling to find space in the schedule to fit them all in. Keep reading the newsletters for more information. The other idea that seemed popular was the play-reading evenings so I have booked in the first one for 16th July, see elsewhere in the newsletter for details.

August and September promise to be just as exciting so watch this space!



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