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News & Reviews AUDTIONS: "Teechers"
7th October

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AUDTIONS: "Teechers"

This Summer the Young Nomads are NOT presenting a musical but a play - a Classroom Comedy to be exact! "TEECHERS' was written by John Godber (famous for his quirky nightclub comedy, 'BOUNCER') which was first performed by the Hull Truck Theatre Company at the 1987 Edinburgh Festival.

Fast-moving, inventive and highly entertaining,"TEECHERS" vigorously evokes life at a modern Comprehensive. Three fifth-formers, using the format of an end of term play, exuberantly sketch the new drama teacher's progress through two terms of recalcitrant classes, cynical colleagues and obstructive caretakers until he departs, disillusioned, for the safer waters of a private school.

The play runs the whole gamut of emotions, climaxing with the last scene when the teenagers' despair emerges from beneath their youthful irreverence, giving a poignant edge to the comedy. With each actor playing multiple roles and with only a couple of desks to convey many settings, "TEECHERS" stretches the imagination of cast and audience alike.

"TEECHERS" will be directed by Don Brown - most recently seen at the Nomad Theatre playing Henry V. He intends for this production to stretch it's participants physically, vocally, and mentally - yet at the same time giving all concerned the opportunity to develop the plays' characters and situations with their own personal stamp of creativity. This production will belong to the Company.

If you wish to be a part of this Company a workshop audition will be held at the Nomad Theatre at 7pm on Sunday 27th June. Those attending the audition will be asked to present a short prepared piece of children's poetry or rose of their choice. Rehearsals will be held three evenings per week from 4th July. There will be some daytime-rehearsals in August. Performances will be Tuesday 24th to Saturday 28th August.

Links: 'TEECHERS',

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