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News & Reviews Play Reading evening: Friday 8th October
10th October

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Play Reading evening: Friday 8th October

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Play Reading evening: Friday 8th October

Come and join us in the bar for a pint and a read through The Humble Boy by Charlotte Jones. It will be an informal evening where you can join in the reading or just listen and we will chat about the play afterwards. At the end of the evening we will choose the next script to read.

The Play: The Humble Boy by Charlotte Jones

In a pretty Cotswolds garden, beautiful ex-bunny girl Flora and her troubled astrophysicist son Felix are mourning their beekeeping husband and father, the late James Humble.

But this is sadness with a delicious sting in its tail. Gently echoing the themes of Shakespeare's Hamlet, Humble Boy brilliantly explores love, longing and death with a haunting and unforgettable humanity.

Poignant and hilarious, philosophical and wise, this examination of the pain and joy of family love is widely acclaimed as one of the finest new plays of recent years.


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