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News & Reviews Ant's Final Corner
10th October

News & Reviews
What An Exciting Week!

Play Reading evening: Friday 8th October

Ant's Final Corner


Prompt Corner Lunches

News & Reviews

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Ant's Final Corner

This is my final Ant's corner as my time as artistic director has come to an end. It's been a very busy and interesting year for me and although I didn't do everything that I wanted to I do feel that I achieved something. Perhaps if I was staying on for another year I could do more but alas family commitments lead me elsewhere.

Over the year I have learnt a great many things including some new skills and some personal development but the thing I came to appreciate more than ever before was what a wonderful resource the Nomads have at their fingertips and that it should be shared with as many people as possible. It also takes one hell of a lot of effort to maintain and run it and if people want to continue to use it for the pursuit and pleasure of their hobby they also need to put something back into it or it won't be there for them much longer. Essential fundraising and social events have been hard to get off the ground this year purely due to the sheer lack of volunteers. Box office, publicity and production of shows, to name a few, are all aspects of the theatre that still need more support and volunteers.

Coming up towards the end of the year are two great shows, Barefoot in the Park and The Sound of Music. There's also the Little Theatre Guild weekend and a couple of club nights, all of which provide opportunities for members to get involved. Marina and Brandon's club night at the end of November is open to everyone and they want to encourage beginners too.

This year marks the 10`h anniversary of the National Lottery and all beneficiaries of the lottery are being encouraged to `open their doors' on November 6h. This is a great opportunity for the Nomads to encourage visitors to the theatre. The idea is to give guided tours of the building, show the Nomes workshops in progress, to have displays of events of the past five years and have coffee and cakes. For this to be a success we need lots of volunteers both on the day and before hand helping to publicise the event and spreading the word. If you think you can spare a couple of hours give me a call on 01306 730293.

Finally I want to thank everybody who has helped and supported me throughout the year. From the words of encouragement and lengthy phone calls (you know who you are!) to obliging directors, the ever faithful Tuesday Crew and fellow council members being committed to their tasks. A special thanks to Bill who has made aspects of my job so much easier just by doing what he does so well.



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