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News & Reviews Nomad Celebration 2001 - Bill Pearson Award Winner
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Nomad Celebration 2001 - Bill Pearson Award Winner

Our first Nomad Celebration was one of the great Nomad social occasions, as it was meant to be. Some 80 members thronged the bar, enjoying the wonderful food provided by Debbie Danaher and then watched a light-hearted rundown of the work of the Nomads in 2000, prepared and fronted by Paul Evans, with help from Lauren Fantham, who put together the dazzling PowerPoint presentation. There was a comprehensive tribute to Bill's past work for the Nomads, and the Bill Pearson Award was inaugurated. Bill was then presented with it as the first recipient. It was an emotional time for everyone, and Bill and Eva were astonished and delighted by the whole thing.

This is intended to be a yearly event, and in due course the Council will be seeking nominations for the Bill Pearson Award 2002.

And Bill writes:
Bill & Eva thank all their friends who came to the first Nomad Celebration evening for the inauguration of the Bill Pearson Award. It was an evening they will never forget. Bill was very honoured to be the first recipient of the Award and thanks Paul Evans, Lauren Fantham and the others who helped to make the hi-tech presentation such fun.

The Award Certificate:


The Nomads

awarded in the first year to


For half a lifetime of tireless dedication to the life and work of the Nomads both on and off the stage, for his enthusiastic promotion of the society and its productions, and in particular his invaluable work in raising support and funds for the new theatre and for the continuing existence of the Nomads as a thriving dramatic society.

Links: Bill Pearson,

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