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Box Office Line: 01483 284747
BAREFOOT IN THE PARK The box office for Barefoot will be open from 2nd October on Saturday mornings (2nd, 9th and 16th October) from 10am - 12:30pm. Please phone if you can't pop in, and we'll ring you back if you leave your name and phone number. This forms part of the Mole Valley Arts Alive festival and we have already started receiving enquiries - so please book early to avoid being disappointed. Tickets for the Saturday night will be limited because the LTG conference members will be watching the show as part of their weekend with us in October. Sarah Thomas will be looking after the ticket sales for this show - you can also phone her directly on 01483 284070.
SOUND OF MUSIC The box office for Sound of Music will be open in the theatre on Saturday mornings, starting on October 30th, from 10am until 12:30pm. There is a total of 12 performances from Thursday 9th to Sunday 19th December, with two performances on each Saturday and a matinee performance on each Sunday. The Monday is a rest day (no performance). We do expect there to be a lot of interest in this show, so don't forget to put your ticket orders in as soon as possible. The flyers will be sent out in the October newsletter, a couple of weeks before the box office opens.