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News & Reviews What the Butler Saw - BOOK NOW!
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What the Butler Saw - BOOK NOW!
What the Butler Saw was first produced in 1967 after the author's death. It is Orton at his best - witty, clever and tilting at the Establishment of the day, very much like Wilde in the previous century.

The action takes place in a private mental home run by Dr Prentice, whose efforts to seduce his prospective secretary create hilarious situations involving his wife, a government medical inspector, a bellboy from a local hotel and a policeman as well as the unfortunate young lady looking for a job.

During the play two people are shot, two put into strait-jackets and two certified insane. Not bad for a cast of six!

And those six are:
Chris Bissex, Elizabeth Eaton, Mat Goldhawk, Martin Lawrance and Nikki Tidy.

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