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News & Reviews Beyond the Gauze
15th December

News & Reviews

Prompt Corner: About Shakespeare's Globe

The Nomes

Beyond the Gauze

Calling all Nomads! Arnie's Evening

News & Reviews

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Beyond the Gauze

Things you never want to hear...

Why are the lights not coming on?

Does anyone remember where I got this fuse from?

Well I have a safety chain and a wingnut left over. Can anyone see a problem here?

I have just spilt Coke on the lighting desk.

What does this "delete scenes" thing mean?

You do know you are taking 26 amps from a 13 amp socket?

Is that hum supposed to come from the PA when the lights turn on? Oh, don't worry it's stopped now.

You know that no-colour blue? It's green.

You know we just spent two days rigging 86 lights? Well every time I turn on the lights it trips the circuit breaker.

Don't panic but...

Oh, I knew there was something I had forgotten.


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