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News & Reviews 9 Reasons to see 'Nine'
6th February

News & Reviews
Roadworks on B2039 start 7 Jan 2008 - please allow extra time!

Let Loose is rolling on

AUDITIONS Jan 27/28 - Viva La Costa

AUDITIONS Feb 08 - Coping and Hoping

AUDITIONS Feb 08 - Family Ties

News & Reviews

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9 Reasons to see 'Nine'

1 Great Production Team
Steve Williams Director/designer
Lindsay Macaulay Musical director
Alan Heath Producer

2 A Talented Cast
Chris Bissex, Brenda Brooks, Amber Chandler, Debbie Danaher, Antonia de Roche, Lauren Fantham, Jenny Freeman, Stuart Freeman, Denise Hull, Megan Morgan, Deb Nurse, Kate Raye, Sarah-Jane Vincent.

3. Great Musical Score
Maury Yeston, the composer, won a Tony award for it.

4. Visually Stimulating
Great set!
Great costumes!
Great props!

5. Based on the life and loves of Federico Fellini

6. Superb Staging
Under the leadership of Stuart Bangs & team

7. Great Evening's Entertainment

8. An Unforgettable Experience

8 1/2. An Unforgettable Experience

9. Because you will be sorry if you miss it.

A Booking In Time Gets 'Nine'*
*From New Version of Old Proverbs

Links: Nine,

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